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Introduction. Part One.

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Of the million different angles from which I can approach this little revealing of myself, I suppose the most pertinent is what brought me to initiating the rebirth of the warrior code.


Which reminds me, I saw the Passion of the Christ two days ago. It rendered me speechless. I cried with great realisation at moments - and it is apparent to me now that the film explains the HEART of the Warrior Code. Check it out, it's a masterpiece.


This brings us to my intent on the warrior code itself. Lets see...

how do I put this...


I have an inherent sense of curiosity that overrides all tendencies to be close-minded. Which is simply fantastic for me. And Truth comes first and foremost, simply because there is nothing I could consider more important than the process of learning – of evolving – yet simultaneously not searching at all.


I was born a Mage, but I didn't realise it until I was 22. Basically, if you could imagine a heavy intellectual with a mental map of how the universe worked - a perfect set of rules that seemed to apply to every situation via scientific empiricism - lost in a VIEW of the world, that's what I was. Confined to the subjective paradox.


I was studying Communications Filmmaking - I was/am passionate about the medium of film and storytelling. Part of the criteria was to educate us in the great western minds that changed the paradigms of civilisation. Marx, Jung, Einstein, social theorists such as Foucault, and a great delving into the ways in which the world is

controlled by the media, manipulated by the media, inspired at times - and ever so rarely, how the media was used righteously, to bring to light an obvious truth. The latter didn't happen that often in history. Linguistics and the notion of does the word create the meaning, or does the meaning create the word? The illusion of considering science to be factual. These are all extremely plausible

and well set out arguments I was privy to, so in essence I learnt about how confused the world was made to feel until the veil of postmodernism. Merely another means of control.


By the third year, I realised that I didn't really have anything of substance I actually wanted to SAY in my films - and I couldn't accept that. During this scenario, I meet a woman, and she talks to me about energy, and feelings, charkas and reiki..


My instant response was: "WHAT THE . ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"


So, I sit her down, and we talk all night, and I just listen to what she has to say because at that point I was so involved in my head that I literally didn't have a clue. She was explaining it to me not just in words... and at an instant.. I had an inkling.. and every one of my chakras blast open! My whole body was vibrating - which was -

well - unexplainable to myself. I couldn't put words to it.. concepts to it.. it was foreign - and yet right at home. There began the war in my mind. I literally drove myself insane trying to find a perfect "scientific theory" for what was going on. This is understandable, since it's what I'd been doing my whole life.


After a year or so, I slowly regained my grounding.. am actually able to converse with people again without feeling a deep-set loneliness that no one understands me. I reintegrate into society.. into simply being able to talk about nothing all over again.


Upon hindsight.. that first moment was the true flowering of the warrior code in myself - but damn there was much to face yet. It was during this period that what was known about magick, and most of those that claimed/practiced it were of little to no help for me… because as good or bad as they may be at it.. as much as they might have fine-tuned abilities… they still had emotional issues. They weren't happy people.. they weren't complete. They were still

imprisoned by their own selves. And I was nowhere near grounded to realise this… Of course, there was much that happened during this process of attempting to learn magick, but most of it was a orgasmic/painful struggle of achieving great feats and simultaneously failing miserably. Which can be a great teacher indeed. Yet the frustration was in not being able to have a base… a fundamental grounding that was intact and unshakable.


A good example I can use to explain is when about two months after my conversation with the first witch, I was speaking to a woman who was clinically diagnosed as unable to have children. She was an empath who was teaching me to fine tune my chakra awareness. When we were finished, she asked for a hug. As we hugged I felt a bolt of sacral

chakra essence leave mine and enter hers. Two months later her hubby managed to knock her up! Now here's the relevance of the example:


There was no ritual involved.. I didn't read books or create spells about this.. most important.. I didn't even KNOW what I was doing. All I know is that I had the wish to help her – to repay her for her teachings.


After such incidents, to talk to other mages who insist on spells and reading a million useless books and especially.. who insist on complicating the whole process of magick for ego gratification, seemed futile. I rather wanted to know HOW I did it. Even then I wanted to know the essence. Such incidents reoccurred many times, but the struggle was always that I couldn't pinpoint the core of magick.

I could theorise as much as I wanted.. others could have their opinions of how it may have happened.. but it all seemed like opinion on some level. What finally hinted that this wasn't where I was going to find my liberation was the powerful sensation that something is "missing".


All I could do was let it go…


At which point, I turn to discovering Buddhism.


To be Continued….


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Vaishnavis didn't just show peacefulness. They showed judgemental elitism. :-)


Sorry to burst your bubble there folks, hope you can face the truth.

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