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Somebody gave me these wise words of wisdom:


..'one who claims to be following Srila Prabhupada teachings is only fooling himself by chanting only one round.'


Ok I felt bad when he said it, he is right, I need to follow Prabhupada Instructions.


The above doesn't hurt, but when somebody calls you a non-devotee, its worse than death. haribol!


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Now I give you the following words of wisdom:


"Maybe you chant one round with a pure heart, maybe the other guy claiming to be a 'true follower' of SP chants sixteen with an offensive, puffed up mentality. What is more dear to Krishna? What do you think?"

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Some more words of wisdom:


"There are soooooooooooooo many people in this world imagining themselves to be the only true followers of SP. Who can say if they are actually followers or not? Hm?"

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Its not a matter of my 1 round, its following Prabhupada's direct Instruction, of doing 16 rounds daily..


Sri Sri Gurv-astaka verse 8

"By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krsna. Without the grace of the spiritual master, one cannot make any advancement. Therefore, I should always remember and praise the spiritual master. At least three times a day I should offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual master."


Srila Haridasa Thakura chanted all day and night, a Vaishnava is happy when somebody chants Krsna's name just once, that is true, but still I need to follow Guru.

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SP asked everybody to chant, but his initiated disciples were supposed to chant 16 rounds, and also, the initiated disciples of SP's disciples should do the same. In some other thread you mentioned that you are not initiated, so I dont see the particular problem here.


Chant your one round honestly and without offences,and you will regain the taste again. Bhaktivinod Thakur suggested that we should start with one round, make it stable, then slowly increase the quantity to two rounds etc. Hopefully nobody will have any objection against his proposal.



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..'one who claims to be following Srila Prabhupada teachings is only fooling himself by chanting only one round.'


if you had'nt shown proud in saying that you chant one round and if you are not initiated, who has said it has committed offence to your lotus feet


you are a vaishnava you have to be respected not insulted

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it is a typical maya's strategy, she tries to make you stop to practice saying that you are a disturb for prabhupada and devotees not following completely


do not worry but take it as an advice to get deeper in krsna consciousness, pray krsna to send you an uttama adhikari spiritual master


accept my obeisances

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one roud better than none?

Chant one round or as many as you are able to do that day, and be ok with it. You are thinking about Krishna and Prabhupada, they are in your heart, or you would not be agonizing about these things.

As Prabhupada said "Chant hare krishna and be HAPPY"!

Hare Krishna


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Yes, one should always chant more. If we receive a challenge to chant more, I think that is Krishna's mercy even if the challenge comes from someone who is not chanting at all.

Radha Kunda das

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"Hear the Voice behind the voice. Maybe Gauranga is trying to take you to His Lotus Feet. I have heard They are visible from the lower position."



Bhagavad-gita 7.1, Ahmedabad, December 13, 1972

So a neophyte devotee should be engaged in temple worship, but if he does not make further improvement, if he sticks to the simply temple worship, then he remains a kanistha-adhikari, lower-standard devotee. Lower-standard devotee. But one has to become first-standard devotee; at least, one must... A first-standard devotee is very high position, spiritual position.



I have Nitai-Gauranga pictures at home, which are my dietys, so I guess (not sure) I am a neophyte devotee, which makes me /images/graemlins/frown.gif, without a Guru I shall remain in this position?




He who sees everything in relation to the Supreme Lord, who sees all living entities as His parts and parcels, and who sees the Supreme Lord within everything never hates anything nor any being.



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neophite means new, and devotee means devoted to a guru. Of course one can be formally in the right position but with no real advancement.

Aniway guru is essential, pray krsna to send to you the best vaishnava available in this world

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