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Attached to ? Pastimes

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Bhagavad-gita lecture 2.8-12, Los Angeles, 1968


Devotee: It says in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that Vyasadeva was afraid that Suta Gosvami when he was born would leave home because he was already a liberated soul.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Devotee: But he was attracted to Krsna"s pastimes. So what... ?

Prabhupada: Yes. That is the sign of liberated soul. Because to become attracted by Krsna, that is our normal condition. So he was liberated; therefore normally he became attracted with krsna's pastimes. That is his normal life. One who is not attracted by Krsna's pastimes, he will be attracted by President Johnson's pastimes. Don't you see a person how he is serving the dog? The dog stands, passes urine, he also stands. You see? He's a human being, and he is waiting for the dog passing urine. How much he is attending the pastimes of the dog? So if you (are) not attracted by the pastimes of God, then you'll have to be attracted by the pastimes of the dog. There is no alternative. Either maya or Krsna. The atheist, agnostic, they deny Krsna's pastimes; therefore they remain attracted by the pastimes of this material world. yes?

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