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my poem about ritviks

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"Stay away from anybody' who blashphemes devotees"


So if I believe in the ritvik system I blapheme.


Whats the big deal. I thought ...well I dont know just seems in all the books I read Prabhupad says to chant Hare Krishna & all is good.


I dont get it. It all seemed so simple before I got online.

I read, chanted, contibute to the BBT etc. Now I see there are these opposing ISKCON factions over details.


I read some ritvik stuff last night like right here and it seems reasonable to me but there is so much on both sides I dont have several months to study it all.


In the 17 years Ive been reading KC books Ive only meet 2 devotees & never meet a Guru, Master, or whatever but I consider myself a disciple of Prabhupad.


As far as Im concerned if you chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra your cool.







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You fools and rascals, all your grammatical word jugglery of suffixes, prefixes and philosophical speculation will not save you at the time of death. Just worship Govinda! Worship Govinda! Worship Govinda!


Read the above verse!


Whats the big deal?


Ps. I love BBT, I get all my books from them Guys /images/graemlins/grin.gif



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It seems to me there is a difference to be realized between respecting someone and hearing from them. I stay away from hearing many ritviks because they tend to criticize Prabhupada's disciples who take on formal disciples.


Same for ISKCON. They criticize Prabhupada's disciples who take on that responsibility apart from their offical sanction.


But both groups do a lot of service. It's up to us all individually to take guidance from the Lord in heart in sorting it all out.


The tendancy to sit back and hurl insults at one group or another appears to me to be a creeper killer.

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the more I hate the better I will be



You are sick. This makes you no better than the people you are critizing. You should look in the mirror. You are filled with vile toxins.
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it is too easy to blame others for your own problems and shortcomings. Easy to find excuses for not chanting. All the ritviks I know serve Prabhupada each and every day and chant their rounds and follow four regs. You are busy hurling insults on this forum. When do you chant?

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"The tendancy to sit back and hurl insults at one group or another appears to me to be a creeper killer."


You right, and for the above,


for guest: I hate ALL ppls who blasphmeme devotees, as in hate to hear it, not that I hate devotees. If that makes me vile then thx.


I chant 64 rounds or 1, the latter is what I do, anyway thats not the point of this thread. Its about avoiding offences..





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Haribol. The reason I oppose rtvik ideas is that the very word "rtvik" brings out the worst in people. I never heard that word (and believe me, I am very well read and have been a luke warm disciple since 1967, initiated in 1974) until 1997. And those who claim it (not all, many are genuinely wonderful disciples who have no battles with any disciple of Srila Prabhupada) as absolute truth make a habit of spreading horrible venom. Some venom against criminals disguised as devotees is valid, but not hurled at everyone who doesnt accept flaky and fragmented, edited archives of dubious authenticity.


The funny thing about it all is that rtviks hate other rtviks as well. The rtviks are very factional, and hurl accusations against each other without pause.


There is no barrier to accepting Srila Prabhupada as your guru, and there is no doubt that He accepts all those who accept his instructions, appearance aND disappearance has nothing to do with guru taqttwa. But these self appointed intermediaries are not involved in such a procewess.


Associate, sure, associate with anyone who chants Haribol, but when the chanting stops, run like hell, cover your ears, wipe the dirt of discord off your feet when you leave.


They (rtviks) have imagined all these final orders, stuff never discussed in the content of his books, as His final order, but they missed his real final order, a plea that his disciples cooperate with one another.


All glories to the disciples of Srila Prabhupada who carry his legacy in the vyasasana of the heart. All glories to the fearless disciples, who, despite great criticism and faultfinding, take it upon themselves to give to others what Srila Prabhupada has given to them, hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Respecting SP is one thing. Blaspheming all other Vaishnava gurus, thinking that SP was and is the one and only bona fide Vaishnava guru in the universe is crazy, ridiculous and offensive. I love my own mother the best, but this does not mean that all other mothers are disgusting prostitutes, and my mother is the only bona fide mother. SP's disciples consider him the best, the disciples of Sridhar Maharaj consider Sridhar Maharaj the best, etc etc. Thats proper unless the perverted concept of "my guru is the ONLY guru, the ONLY savior, and all others are fake" enters our mind.


Govindaram, please dont get into this disgusting aparadh-war going on everywhere in the world. Stay away for your own benefit. If someone thinks he can please Krsna by offending other devotees and gurus, let them do it. And let them suffer the terrible consequences they cant even dream of now. The best thing you could do - as someone already suggested - is to find a bona fide spiritual master who you can accept 100%, surrender to his instructions and do your bhajan and service nicely, happily.


One last thought: some people may "chant" 16 or more rounds. But what are they chanting? The Holy Name or nama-aparadh? When an offender utters the name of Krishna, it is actually nama-aparadh, and not pleasing to the Lord at all. Similarly, when mayavadis sing Krishna's name, it actually causes pain to the Lord, not happiness. The same refers to all the vaishnava-aparadhis, no matter how they boast about "chanting 16 rounds". You remember the verse, bahu-janme kari yadi..., you can chant Krishna's names offensively for many many births without ever achieving love of God.

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