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What Is Duty?

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I maybe way off, but this could be something to think about:


http://www.krsnabook.com/ch24.html (excerpt)


Worshipping Govardhana Hill

Krsna wanted to teach him a lesson. He first tried to make Indra angry by stopping the Indra Puja, which was arranged by the cowherd men in Vrndavana.


With this purpose in mind, Krsna began to talk as if He were an atheist supporting the philosophy of karma-mimamsa. Advocates of this type of philosophy do not accept the supreme authority of the Personality of Godhead. They put forward the argument that if anyone works nicely, the result is sure to come. Their opinion is that even if there is a God who gives man the result of his fruitive activities, there is no need to worship Him because unless man works He cannot bestow any good result.


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The duty of one state of life in one set of circumstances will not be and cannot be same as another.But our first duty is not to hate ourselves.We must have faith in ourselve to hav efaith in God.

If you want a definition of duty then here is a rough one -- any action that makes us go Godward is a good action and hence our duty, any action that makes us go downwrard is evil and not our duty.Every duty is holy and devotion to duty is the Highest form of worship to God. The method you reccommende of worshipping Krishna is also our duty but we have to choose a means which iis good to do it. Many people mistake worshpping as doing a puja or offerinf something to god.Therefore a persom must set a goal for himself and achieving that must be his duty.

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