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An Update

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Hare Krsna everyone.


This is an update as per request from Ghari ji.


Well as everyone knows about my situation. How I came here with so much anxiety about my wife coming to canada.


Well there is news......


Great news actually.


Although there was two small mistakes which are easlily correctable and yes I got the.....


I got my file number and now its just a waiting game.


She will be here soon.


Thats the update.


When she comes you will be seeing a lot less of me then now.



Hare Krsna


To all thank you for your constant support.

Hare Krsna



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It seems you really did it.


I am still in awe. Wherever there is Krsna, Master of mystics, and wherever there is Haridham the humble archer, there is sure to be victory! Just hearing of their adventure leaves my hair standing on end and I am thrilled at every moment simply hearing of their exploits.


Just a little waiting game ........ let us know when our princess sets foot on hallowed Canadian soil, New Bharata.



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Ghari Ji. Thank you very much. That was a little bit overtraumatic there wasnt it. hahahahaha.


I am hardly humble, hardly knowledgable. I am just trying my best to be a good husband. Sticking to my vows and doing my japa is the only thing I can do. Thats all I know. I think its better to lead by example than say beautiful words and have nothing to back it up with.


Anyways, it is a waiting game. I am working hard. I will have saved over 5,000 dollars by the time its april 2nd.


ANyways, lets keep in touch.\


Hare Krsna

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