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I chant the mahamantra, although I have no idea what it means. There is no progress whatsoever. I am lost, to be honest. What am I to do? WHat's Krishna, mantra and all that? Everything seems to be hazy around here, I have no idea what the hell is going on. COuld someone help and point the right direction?

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The krsna_kath.tripod.com site was made by myself and Rukmini-Devi dasi for our online preaching.


There is more information regarding Lord Krsna, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, and Srila Prabhupada at my ATMA website. You may find the information there of help as well:




When you chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, do so with all the love in your heart - as if you are whispering "sweet words into your lover's ear."


In chanting this mantra, you are in direct relationship with Sri-Sri Radha-Krsna, as there is no difference between God andHis hly name. At the same time, you are calling out to the Lord to lift you up out of this material world, and to let you serve Him as He pleases.


It really helps a lot, if you can also concentrate upon the FORM of the Lord as you chant ... this will help use your sense of sight, and will help occupy your mind.


There are a few really awesome picutres of the Lord on the ATMA website, and also at our companion Preaching site:




I hope this helps. If there is anything I can offer as further help, please let me know.


Krsnadasa dasa


email: krsnadasa-dasa@harekrishnatemple.com

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the progress is-is that your chanting.


Your lucky, very.



The sixteen words of the Hare Krsna mantra are especially meant for counteracting the sins of the age of Kali. To save oneself from the contamination of this age there is no alternative but to chant the Hare Krsna mantra. After searching through all the Vedic literatures one cannot find a method of religion for this age so sublime as the chanting of Hare Krsna.

(Lord Brahma instructs Narada)



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It helps to know why you're chanting. Therefore you should read and follow the various methods outlined by God in the Bhagavad-gita.


There are nine basic methods or manifestations that demonstrate devotion to God. You can engage in any or all of these. They are described in the Bhagavad-gita starting with hearing about God, chanting about God and remembering God. These three are considered the starting points for love of God.


You will find that over a few months of trying to let Krsna teach you the Bhagavad-gita's lessons in your everyday life, you will have developed a great faith and affection for Krsna. This will help your chanting immensely, since it gives you a very tangible reason to chant as sincerely as possible with all attention.


The chanting has to be accompanied by a change of heart - a genuine turn towards God. The more we hang out with God in our minds, our speech, our hearing, our tastebuds, our eyes, our noses, everything - the more we become purified of all nonsense meaningless desires, and the more we want to be with Him instead. So the desire for Him keeps accumulating and accumulating, passing a number of joyous devotional plateaus, until finally we cannot be without Him.


Cultivate humility and the Gita seriously, and your life will become successful. To know Him is to love Him, so if you treat the Gita as Krsna Himself, then the chanting will become more and more sublime day by day, eventually becoming your very life. God and His names will become your very life.




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