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I am going to die (and so are you !)

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My dear Prabhu,

So what are you gonna do about this quite awkward existential situation:

you will be forced to vacate 'your' body without prior notice.


As sure as death

not being morbid

but let us be more realistic about life in this cage

next life occupation

in the next

after life another!?

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I am this body.

I am a Merican.

I am a Mexican.

I are smart.

I am strong.

I am beautiful.

I am temporary.

I am going to die.

I am woman.

I am too fat.

I am too thin.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. It just ain't true - none of it.



I am sac-cid-ananda.

I am an eternal part and parcel of God.

I am totally obliged to Sri Krsna for supporting my existence forever.

This is the dialogue of a healthy mind, a friendly mind.



But it ain't gonna last forever, so we better sit down with Krsna right now, and have a heart-to-heart so we can get our minds into that healthy state. Otherwise, the thought of death will certainly put a damper on all the fun.



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Thank You for your words positive

certainly inspired by the Golden Avatara,Sri Gaura Hari

I am missing the mercy of Gouranga

when I dwell on this body bag

and not the soul positive.




I am sac-cid-ananda.

I am an eternal part and parcel of God.

I am totally obliged to Sri Krsna for supporting my existence forever.

This is the dialogue of a healthy mind, a friendly mind.



But it ain't gonna last forever, so we better sit down with Krsna right now, and have a heart-to-heart so we can get our minds into that healthy state. Otherwise, the thought of death will certainly put a damper on all the fun.



Lord Gauranga is like a powerful hammer

which smashes the sin and oppression

of the mad dog of Kali-yuga,

and He is absorbed

in distributing the holy name of Krsna,

which is the great medicine

to release one from material existence.


His transcendental form is beautiful

and His heart is full of compassion

for the suffering,

fallen souls of this world.


Just worship Lord Gaura,

the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.


(Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)

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