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It's that tongue again

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Lets start shall we. {me first then}


Absolutely nothing, but something, can't be proud now can we, I don't know how to find the balance, so hence I think I am doing nothing {but something}.


But when I think I am trying to follow Prabhupada & Lord Nityananda/Lord Gauranga, I feel ok.

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Why are you being so hostile? You strike me as a bitter, egotistic person, not a devotee of Krishna. I think you should control your anger first before getting to serve Krishna. Hope you take my advice. Haribol.

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He may tell us we're all useless and leave in a huff again. It seems he doesn't want to associate with devotees who are not as evolved as himself, and especially not with poseurs like us here. I didn't mind losing such association at all.


What anger, you liar? So funny. You should have read the venom that sprayed out of his mouth when he misinterpreted one of my posts. I let it slide knowing he misunderstood, but still the moving finger had writ, and with such shame. I guess the big elephant dance was inevitable after that.


If he is so dull and stubborn that he insists on examples, then just direct him to his last few dozen posts before he stormed off last time. If he is at all honest, he will have his evidence. If not, then perhaps we just let him drown in his own greatness. That is what Krsna would do.



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You're making it poignantly clear… and I considered you a stalwart devotee.


(from help to hurt: sudden shift). Again… what did I do? Is this deja-vu?


Maybe the only reason I post is because I'm renounced enough to take the heat.


I think I see an opportunity to spread Krnsa consciousness…


Not furtile ground here?


"You should have read the venom that sprayed out of his mouth when he misinterpreted one of my posts."


Advertise this resentment before others… and I don't even know what you're talking about.


I'm sorry I dissapoint you GHari. I considered you my friend. Perhaps it would be wise to re-evaluate such (illusions?).

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… and I remember those statements were a supposed misunderstanding – at your behest – and I retracted it immediately.


I did not say anything slanderous to anyone in that deleted post. I just said what was on my mind. And that was defending my "right" to do the website… Seems a dangerous thing to do these days.


But pretext works perfectly (for others - not for me).


Where is my humility?



That was such a big deal? You should have said so instead of petending.


What Do You Want from Me


As you look around this room tonight

Settle in your seat and dim the lights

Do you want my blood, do you want my tears

What do you want

What do you want from me

Should I sing until I can't sing any more

Play these strings until my fingers are raw

You're so hard to please

What do you want from me


Do you think that I know something you don't know

What do you want from me

If I don't promise you the answers would you go

What do you want from me

Should I stand out in the rain

Do you want me to make a daisy chain for you

I'm not the one you need

What do you want from me


You can have anything you want

You can drift, you can dream, even walk on water

Anything you want


You can own everything you see

Sell your soul for complete control

Is that really what you need


You can lose yourself this night

See inside there is nothing to hide

Turn and face the light


What do you want from me - Pink Floyd



You had me thinking I made a mistake on your comments… 'cause to look harder?

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Then I am a liar? No. Seems Krsna purposely cleverly placed a statement there that could have had two meanings. He obviously revealed a flaw that you should have addressed before continuing, one that you obviously saw at least subconsciously. I didn't even see the ambiguity until the flame ignited.


I only asked you to remove your post out of embarrassment for you. It wasn't until later when you were tearing everyone apart that I realized that this exalted website preaching mission had stolen your humility completely. I don't know how you will disguise those motivations and the collateral damage on the site itself. Hopefully it won't be obvious where it was coming from.



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More detail is needed. Be more specific.


Convince me. I know what happened.


You seem very sure you are right. I don't feel that way.



Oh, seer of a higher truth, I have always "challenged" the devotees to find a flaw in my website plan - in hopes to get them to see the utility of it. But no challenges till now.


My dear Ghari, my spiritual master, what is my problem and what should I do?

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It seems that since they were my statements that Supersoul and I know quite clearly the motivation and the intended meaning of the words; the very same motivation that was embellishing the comments as you freaked. Seems you and your false ego are simply out in the cold, again; seems the same flaw is rearing its head one more time.


If you read those dozens of posts leading up to your rejection of the assembled devotees last month, yet still can't see anything awry, then I guess you're on your own. Surely you can't expect us to do your work for you here. It wasn't pleasant on the first go round, and there is every indication that it will be just as distasteful in a rehashing.


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I don't understand what you mean when you say the following,

"True to experience, certain guest{s} do not respond to rebuttal or challenges [or have the merit to defend their claims] - they just fabricate their own truth! "


It is true that I or anyone who is in the position of a neophyte can challenge any one because to challenge someone in spiritual matters, you need spiritual strength, that which a person in a lower position of spirituality lacks.


Second, what claims are we talking about here? what are you saying?




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I don't understand what you mean when you say the following,

"True to experience, certain guest{s} do not respond to rebuttal or challenges [or have the merit to defend their claims] - they just fabricate their own truth! "


It is true that I or anyone who is in the position of a neophyte cannot** challenge any one because to challenge someone in spiritual matters, you need spiritual strength, that which a person in a lower position of spirituality lacks.


Second, what claims are we talking about here? what are you saying?



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… "there is no dharma here."


GHari, you must feel that you have to believe that way. That is not my memory of events at all. You ascribe motives and feelings to me that simply did not occur. Nor does it change my position. I'll continue just as I have and I'm safe in that position. I'm not encroaching or cheating or anything.


You blame me as if I'm at fault, but you gave nothing more than your opinion. And I also remember quite well that your were scared of that response and had me take it down immediately - you asked me to delete that rebuttal to you. Now you use that as a basis for your grievance?


You say I mistook your post because of my impurity. Actually, I mistook your post (you say I mistook it) because of my experience in talking with you before. I was trying hard to be your friend and less argumentative - as was my previous experiences with you. I thought you might be talking out of the side of your mouth again.


In any case, I answered that rather strongly and you had no problem with my explanation or sincerity then other than saying it was a mistake and I should take it down. In other words, I dealt with the purity issue then. Now this outta nowhere?


I could say jealousy or anger motivates you if I wanted to take my feelings over evidence.


I was not trying to get anyone to help me with Windows again. I'm tasting the bliss of engagement, therefore I'm trying to encourage others to find engangement.


Unfortunately, some think their engagement is to villify me on this board - can't distinguish friend from enemy.



I left in a huff because I felt no one had a brain to serve Krsna. You're in a huff 'cause you think I'm criticizing you. And who am I to do that? You're gonna show me and others how you're the bigger man.

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