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Surely after a few minutes, hours you could not reach this conclusion. Read the thread; it was insane.


Surely serving Paz's web creation is not the only service to Krsna available on this planet. Is it?


I do remember some who spent a lot of time helping you word your anger to hide the aparadha on the site. While you ridicule us for not preaching using the web, you forget that over the last dozen years a few hundred thousand have visited my website for instance, but not yours ... why, yours did not even exist. And still doesn't exist. There are hundreds of Krsna sites on the web now. So who is really being ridiculed? Paz finally woke up, fine.


Service to Krsna can be categorized into nine types of processes, beginning with hearing, chanting and remembering. Web site preaching falls in there somewhere, but there are eight more kinds of service that Krsna appreciates.


Perhaps no one had a mind or thought themselves capable enough to serve Paz, but it is foolhardy and likely offensive to suggest that no one had a brain to serve Sri Krsna. Maybe Krsna wants you to do it yourself, and to stop grumbling about it? Organize your bookmarks and notes and put them on a page with some pretty pictures; how hard can it be? I guess you're finding out. That's why after thirty-five years of making computers dance, I'm happy to quit and retreat from the relentless logic of the box.


Good luck with Windows. It will be your life for a few years. It sounds like something we can all use.


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Now, if you can put aside your feelings for a moment, answer me this…


What is wrong with the plan of the website? I am claiming it to be a perfect KC idea. Point out the defect in my thinking. Also, what is wrong with me doing it… in terms of my faulty character you rave so about?


If you can not point out problems with these issues, then you don 't know what you're talking about.


If my idea is pushing KC forward into exciting new preaching levels and if it is too big for me, then other devotees are at fault for not helping.


Your site and many others you mentioned, have serious problems with design, navigation, etc. Frankly, they have serious problems attracting others. Appearance and such make all the difference in the world. In fact, most things are accepted superficially.


But my site is not superficial. Through the index, I can direct guests to their specific spiritual interests in a matter of seconds. Do you like to read long posts here or short ones?


You people have no vision. You have no sincerity to do what's best for Krsna. You can simply call me puffed-up for pointing out the facts.


Hey, I don't even want the help from you people anymore. I don't think you can help. You're too atrophied for that.

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I offered to work conjountly with all of you early on. I even offered my design skills and services to other individual devotional projects - just to be of help.


How often to you get people offering their professional skills for free here?


I thought my site would be that much better if it had the best input from various devotees. Damn, what made me think devotees should work together?


I always wanted it to be more than my personal project.


PS: Those links in the Index and text make the difference of Prabhupada preaching again! (This'll probably tick you off too - because you're blind).


And what if Paz's creation is a result of following inspiration - a revelation? Is it still Paz's? Who might cause such a vision and inspire me to do it?


You're saying it's Maya?

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I think, as Krishna devotees, we need to help each other. Which means, we've gotta help Paztriot come out of his shell. Maybe, he is hostile, maybe, he is arrogant, but it doesn't mean we should shun or ignore him. We must help-it is our obligation. Paz, if you feel like talking about your problems, I am always here for you and so is GHari. You dont have to feel frsutrated or bitter about this anymore. Remember that Krishna loves you, and we the devotees, do too. I hope all goes well.

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