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Lord Krishna is a big Theif!

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I found your verses. Your explanations exactly match these. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


BG:4:14: "There is no work that affects Me; nor do I aspire for the fruits of action. One who understands this truth about Me also does not become entangled in the fruitive reactions of work."


BG: 5:29: " A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries."


also, don't worry about getting confused with guests, I am the one and only guest on this particular thread. Also, about my name?- well its infamous , so lets not say it shall we.


-A friend.



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Okay, friend. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Anyway, I bet I will quickly become infamous here, because I am not interested in talking dry philosophy, and I just want to talk about sweet Krishna. I am fond of writing poetry (okay, it's not *good* poetry, but it just comes out...) so when I post poems here, people do not like it. I don't want to offend any devotees, but I feel compelled to post them sometimes.


You know, I've learned something over the course of my visits here (thanks to I_luv_Krishna) ... Krishna is really mad for His devotees. Ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham This is usually translated as "Whoever surrenders unto Me, proportionately I take care of him."


But I ask you, what is the meaning of bhajamy aham... is it "I take care of him?" I don't think so...


Anyway, I try to treat the devotees with sugar-coated respect and try not to step on any toes. So, even if I am outspoken, I try not to hurt anybody...


So I hope you do not feel I am too weird of a person after reading some of my other posts... yeah, I am a big weirdo and I apologize, but Krishna is a good, kind guy who accepts everybody who comes to Him, in whatever way they can, from demons to demigods and everybody in between- and anybody who says otherwise is simply mistaken.

/images/graemlins/smile.gif BHAJA GOVINDAM BHAJA GOVINDAM GOVINDAM BHAJA MUDHAMATE /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Whatever we do, we do them according to the three modes of material nature, whether they are sattvic, rajasic , tamasic.


Why feel bad if you are doing something that is above all three? /images/graemlins/smile.gif , it is your choice if you want to sugar coat everything, it just makes it be so sweet to the witness of it all- Sri Krishna.


I admire your honesty, but I don't think you are wierd at all. I don't think talking about such a cool guy like krishna is wierd at all...


Ofcourse how can you not talk about krishna :




Adharam Madhuram , Vadanam Madhuram,

Nayanam Madhuram, Hasitam Madhuram;

Hridayam madhuram, gamanam madhuram

Madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram.


Vachanam madhuram charitam madhuram

Vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram;

chalitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram

Mahudadhipaterakhilam madhuram


Venurmadhuro renurmadhurah

Panirmadhurah padau madhurau;

Nritam madhuram, sakhyam madhuram

Madhuradhipaterakilam madhuram


Geetam madhuram peetam madhuram

Bhuktam madhuram, suptam madhuram;

Roopam madhuram tilakam madhuram

Madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram.


Karanam madhuram, taranam madhuram

Haranam madhuram smaranam madhuram;

Vamitam madhuram shamitam madhram

Madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram.


Gunja madhura, mala madhura

Yamuna madhura, Veechee madhura;

Salilam madhuram, kamalam madhuram

Madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram.


Gopee madhura leela madhura

Yuktam madhuram, bhuktam madhuram;

Drishtam madhuram, shishtam madhuram

Madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram.


Gopa madhura, gavo madhura

Yashtir madhura Srishtir madhura

Dalitam madhuram phalitam madhuram

Madhuradhipaterakhilam madhuram.



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Indeed, everything about Him is totally sweet... have you been to Tirupati? Yeah, you can really feel the power of that Govinda... just waves of love floating off of Him. He is there in the Venkata hills, black in color, two arms with shankha and chakra on His shoulders, with Padmavati and Lakshmi on His chest, garland of Tulsi, diamond crown, sword (of which Annamacharya is an incarnation), and His BEAUTIFUL feet!! And you are pushing just to get a few second's glance of this God who is really God... not just a murthy, not just a stone form, but the *real* Govinda who has come to Venkata to stay with us...



Sri Venkatesha mama dehi karaavalambam!!!


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I have been to Tirupathi atleat 4 times... I think , mostly when I was young, except 2 years ago I went there for one month(not Tirupathi just the state AP), then I went to Tirupathi from Hyderabad... long long long ride... in a bus.


Tirupathi is kali yuga vaikunta, Lord himself resides there and he gives a special darshan when he comes down the hills to be kalyana venkateshwara swami /images/graemlins/smile.gif





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I apologize, can you post that thing that you posted in english if you have it and if it is not too much trouble, thanks!


Ramanamo Rama namo

Rama namo Shrikrishna namo


kaysalya nandana Rama namo

Devaki nandan krishna namo


Rama namo Rama namo

Rama namo Srikrishna namo


Ayodyavasi Rama namo

Gokulavasi krishna namo


Rama namo Rama namo

Rama namo Srikrishna namo


Dasharatha nandana Rama namo

Vasudeva nandana krishana namo


Rama namo Rama namo

Rama namo Srikrishna namo


Tataki mardana Rama namo

Pootani mardana krishna namo


Rama namo Rama namo

Rama namo SriKrishna namo.


Ravana mardana Rama namo

Kamsa Vimardana Krishna namo


Rama namo Rama namo

Rama namo SriKrishna namo


Janakivallabha rama namo

deenasamrakshaka Krishna namo


Rama namo Rama namo

Rama namo Sri Krishna namo


Deenadayalo rama namo

Deenasamrakshaka krishna namo


Rama namo Rama namo

Rama namo Sri Krishna namo


Rama namo SriRama namo

Rama namo Seetarama namo


Rama namo Rama namo

Rama namo Sri Krishna namo


Krishna namo Sri Krishna namo

Krishna namo Radhakrishna namo


Rama namo Rama namo

Rama namo Sri Krishna namo


---------JAI SRI RAMA!!!!

------------JAI SRI KRISHNA!!!

---------------JAI SRI JAGANNATHA!!!!

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Dear devotee Vanamali ji,


It is nice that you want to find other souls like us who feel like helpless girls before Lord Govinda, but I am afraid that devotees here may think that their goshthi is in danger. This "Audarya Fellowship" is primarily a Gaudiya Vaishnava site and that too with a "Hare Krishna" kind of focus.


Even ghosts like company, then what to speak of devotees. I have seen that devotees very carefully guard their circle and don't want unfavourable influences to be admitted. Now, they have invested a lot of resources, time and effort building up their association. They would just not like to see it break down so easily. Just as this "Guest ji" seems to have become sympathetic to us, this will surely be a cause of rising concern to them.


Of course, it is much better that a philosophy stand on its own strength and not have "muscle tactics" as its crutches. But unfortunately that is not the case most of the times. If people see their carefully nurtured gathering broken, they will respond one way or the other.


In my humble opinion, it is better not to disturb them in the "Spiritual Discussions" forum. They have not disturbed us so far in "Krishna Talk". Krishna willing, if any soul should be destined to be "like us", (s)he will be directed to our posts here.


Your wretched servant,


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shree venkatesham ati sundara mohanaangam

shree bhumi kaantam aravinda dalaayataaksham

praana priyam parama kaaruni kaamburaashim

brahmesha vandyam amrutam varadam namaami


akhila vibudha vandya vishvaruupam suresham

abhaya varada hastam kanchajaaksham ramesham

jaladhara nibhakaantim shree mahibhyaam sametam

paramapurusham aadyam venkatesham namaami


venkatesho vaasudevo vaarijaasanavanditah

swami pushkarini vaasa shankha chakra gadaadharah

piitaambara dharo devo garuda rudha shobhitah

vishvaatmaa visvalokesho vijayo venkateshvara


etaani dwaadasha naamaani trisandhyam yahpathennarah

sarva paapa vinirmukto vishnoh saayujyam aapnoyaat

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O my Self! in your own interest I give you this warning. Never make the mistake of cultivating friendship with that child, the cowherd of Brindaban, who possesses the hue of a newly-formed cloud; bewitching you by His playful smile which showers nectar in the form of an ethereal beauty, He will rob you in no time of all your beloved objects of the world.

-Poet Jagannath (?)

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From somewhere in the internet-




Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.

Happy Sri Krishna Jayanti celebrations to all.

Here is a sublime 'pad' for enjoying Sri Krishna Madhuri on this auspicious occasion.


This song is from the book- 'Prema-Rasa-Madira' of Sri Kripaluji Maharaj.


A Love-stricken Gopi, who had the Blessed Darshan (Divine Visual encounter) of her Beloved Shyama Sundar, Lord Sri Krishna, tells her experience to her intimate friend -


sakhi, shyaama ki manda, manda musukaan,


O my dear, what can I say about the sweet, gentle, enchanting 'smile' of my Shyama Sundar!


bisarata naahi sakhi! yekahu china, peetaambara paharaan,


Even for one second, my mind cannot give up the delightful reminiscence of the wavy movements of His dazzling robe, 'Pitaambara', the yellow silken garment elegantly covering His divine form!


All my earned virtues of good conduct are of no use for me and my ardent efforts for self-control have become utterly powerless.


maTakani mukuTa laTan ki laTakani, aTakyom tana, mana, praan,


His charming, jewelled crown with pea-cock feather, His captivating Lotus-face surrounded by the curly locks of dark hair, have become the noose and entangled my body, mind and soul.


ati rasa bhare nayan so herata, Therata muralee taan,


Moreover, His intoxicating looks are ever drowning me in the Nectar of Amorous Love!


How can I still keep my life-breath, when He calls me playing His Flute (Murali), inviting my soul to join His Blissful sports?


nitya vihaara karata vrindaavana, manjula kunja lataan,


O sakhi, He is tempting me with delight, and showering divine joy by His amorous dalliances in the blessed bowers of 'kunja', and the secret enchanting gardens of 'nikunja' day and night!"


The Poet-Saint Kripaluji sympathizes with the Gopi's plight in the concluding verse saying -


lakhi 'kripaalu' chuTi jaata samaadhina, Shiva Sanakaadika dhyaan.


Do not feel so disturbed and helpless! Even the greatest Yogi, Lord Shiva, Who has vanquished 'cupid' and the great Paramahamsas, the eternal celibates like Sanaka kumaras of heaven, who are ever absorbed in the Nirvikalpa Samadhi of the Absolute Brahman, have also become very perturbed by the Blessed sight of the All Attractive Blissful Lord, Sri Krishna and have fallen from their contemplation and given up their Trance!


So what to speak of the fate and state of any other ordinary soul at the transcendental meeting of her Divine Beloved!!!



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Another one-




Jaya Sri Radhey! Namaste.


This song is from the 'Viraha Madhuri' of "Prema-Ras-Madira" by Jagadguru Sri Kripaluji Maharaj.


One blessed Gopi in separation of Beloved Krishna tells her plight to one of her intimate Sakhis.


akhiyA, zyAma prema rasa mAtI,


O my dear friend! My eyes are drunk with the 'Syama-Prema-Rasa', Divine Love of Lord Krishna.


jaba te lakhI sakhi! nanda-nandana chavi, manda manda musukAtI,


I have been blessed with the enchanting vision of Nanda Nandana, the youthful, handsome Son of Nanda Maharaja. From that very moment onwards, His captivating smile has robbed me of all wisdom and soberness! Drowned in the intoxication of His passionate love, my mind has lost all its propriety and reasoning!


tabate ika pala kaha nahi kala sakhi! talaphati haum dinrAtI,


Now, day and night only His beauty and charm invade my thoughts. My heart deeply yearns for His eternal association. I have no peace of mind, and my soul is restless.


kari kari surati, sAmvari hi surati, bhari amsuvana jhari lAtI,


My heart is remembering His dalliance over and over again, my mind is lost in His loving exploits, and my eyes are streaming down the tears of Divine longing.


khArI laga vaikumTha vibhUti hu, muktihu nAhi suhAtI,


What can I say more about my madness! Even the Supreme majesty and opulence of the Lord of Vaikuntha doesn't attract me any more! I have renounced even 'Mukti', (Liberation) which is sought after by many great Sages.


I only long to become just a hand-maid of My Divine Beloved, Sri Krishna. Can anyone understand this craziness!


haum 'kRpAlu' aba hArigayI sakhI! tU hI kachu samujhAtI.


In the concluding verse the Poet-Saint Kripaluji sincerely requests the friend,


"Alas! I have been defeated in all my efforts to bring back myself to senses and breaking the shackles of 'emotional attachment' to the Supreme Hypnotist!


My dear friend with vast intellectual and reasoning skill! At least you can try to help my mind withdraw from this endless craving for My Divine Beloved! "


The Blessed Gopis of Vrindavan had asked Lord Krishna the same question in Srimad Bhagavatam 10.29.34, but even He could not undo His Hypnotic Spell!


cittaM sukhena bhavatApahRtaM gRheSu

yan nirvizaty uta karAv api gRhya-kRtye

pAdau padaM na calatas tava pAAda-mUlAt

yAmaH kathaM vrajam atho karavAma kiM vA?


(Srimad Bhagavatam 10.29.34)


O Krishna! You've so easily stolen our hearts, which up to now had been absorbed in our family lives, and our hands, which were busy with our housework.


Now our feet are incapable of taking even a single step away from Your lotus feet. How can we go back to Vraja? And even if we went, what would we do there?



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Yes, I agree I should not do this...


I felt SO SO SO compelled, I don't know why. But better not to be bothersome. I don't want to change anyone, but I just felt like screaming it. Anyway, I won't continue it.


~Your wandering fragment of dust...


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I luv Krishna, Know the difference between Bhakthi and Lust and imagination. When you know the difference then start doing things with devotion... read gita first.


Second of all, there was another poster, I love krishna, who did almost the same thing. The point here is that bhakti is different than imagination. First know what bhakti is in real life.


Good luck /images/graemlins/smile.gif ,



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I'm sorry Guest ji for being so obnoxious to your sensibilities. My "imagination" and my "lust" are the only things that I have for myself in the name of my Lord. If I forsake them, I am just a non-entity. I know I have not one trace of bhakti in my being nor do I see myself attaining even that drop in the future ....


I think I should not be coming here.


I apologize again. I am sorry.


Goodbye ....

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