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I can't find no satisfaction

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I have fallen into the ocean of material existence

as a result of my selfish activities

and I see no means of deliverance.


Day and night my heart burns

from the poison of worldly activities,

and on account of this

my mind never finds any satisfaction.


My dear Krsna,

You are the only friend,

and You are an ocean of mercy and compassion.

I have no strength

to get out of the ocean of nescience,

so I pray to Your lotus feet

that You will be kind

and by Your strength uplift me

from this ocean of suffering.


(Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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I wish I was that advanced as you. All I say when I chant is "Clean up my mess krishna, just clean up my mess!"


How sick am I to only want comfort in this material life. I want things, prestige, I want my name to be "Great", that I even ask all those things then later on feel guilty when I get what I want.




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The spiritual identities of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda as brothers and as servitors of the Supreme Lord are unknown, yet by Their causeless mercy Their absolute identities were revealed. Lord Brahma was enlightened about the Absolute Truth by Lord Krsna's mercy.

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“Sri Caitanya, who is Krishna Himself,

the son of Nanda,

has saved the world by freely distributing

His own holy name.

Go also and receive your deliverance.”


O Lord, hearing those words,

Bhaktivinoda has come weeping

to the soles of Your lotus feet

and tells the story of his life.


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