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“ We must tolerate, otherwise, what is the difference between us and them!”

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Chapter 6 (excerpt)


S rila P rabhupada F inally A rrives



5th October 1975

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Durban Airport:

without warning, Srila Pranbhupada requested Riddha dasa to help him stand up high on his seat; he then began to address the crowd and gave a speech... amazingly, his speech turned into a ten minute talk on the Bhagavad Gita



We flew together on the aeroplane from Mauritius to Durban. The flight originated in Perth although we boarded in Mauritius. The flight was filled with many South African rugby players who had been in Australia because there had been a match of some sort. Srila Prabhupada and I were sitting together. He was quiet and radiantly dressed in his . cloth; I was in my Western dress with my British cap which I always wore on arrival into the South African airports to be inconspicuous to the authorities. We were in a non–smoking section of the plane. There were some rowdy men drinking and smoking behind us. I requested the stewardess to please ask the men to refrain from smoking as this was a non-smoking section of the plane. The men ignored her request. When I began to ask the stewardess a second time, Srila Prabhupada quietly said to me: “ We must tolerate, otherwise, what is the difference between us and them!” He then said: “ Don’t be an ordinary common man .” It was a lesson that I will never forget, even though I still have much work to do in the tolerance department.

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What others have to say....




Film maker HH Bhakti Charu Swami has approached the author to adapt his book for part of the epic film "Abhay Charan."


"Riddha Dasa has been able to kindle the fading memories of the pioneers in the isolated fascist South Africa of the time. The Stories of Rsi Kumar Swami and Ksudhi dasa Brahmacari are very moving; they were to be the first ISKCON devotees to travel and preach in South Africa to help establish Sri Caitanya's movement. Throughout, Riddha Dasa is able to keep Srila Prabhupada's mood focused. There are many personal testimonies like that of Pusta Krsna Swami, who relates very interesting memories, as well as Srila Prabhupada's visit. The photographic inserts are very historical, and the Significant Events 1975-1996 are unique. A book not to be missed."


HH Jayadvaita Swami



"This book, Destination South Africa, is a pleasure to read. I especially appreciate the care Riddha Dasa has taken to glorify the devotees who served Srila Prabhupada in establishing and pushing Krsna consciousness forward in South Africa. By making this history known to us, Riddha Dasa has done a great service."


HH Bhakti-tirtha Swami

Co-GBC for ISKCON South Africa. Author of: Leadership For An Age Of Higher Consciousness, Spiritual Warrior, The Beggar, & Spiritual Warrior II



"Although Srila Prabhupada only visited South Africa once, the actual visit was preceded by a background of intrigue, owing to the nature of the former South African government. Riddha Dasa Adhikari has gone to great lengths with this labour of love to research and present the unique circumstances surrounding Srila Prabhupada's visit to the southern tip of Africa ... Riddha Dasa is uniquely placed to write this book having been instrumental in the very foundation of ISKCON in South Africa"


HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami

Author of My Memories of Srila Prabhupada and many other books



"Narrations like the one described in this book, recording the trials Srila Prabhupada and his followers went through to establish Krishna consciousness in South Africa, are especially relishable, as we see at close focus how the pure devotee performs extraordinary activities even through inexperienced followers."


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