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Realization means you should write - by Srila Prabhupada

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Realization means you should write - by Srila Prabhupada




Every one of you. What is your realization? You write your realization – what you have realized about Krishna. That is required. It is not passive. Always you should be active. Whenever you find time, write. Never mind – two lines, four lines, but you write your realizations. Sravanam, kirtanam.


Writing or offering prayers, glories – this is one of the functions of a



You are hearing, but you have to write also. Then, writing means

smaranam – remembering what you have heard from your spiritual master.


Srila Prabhupada Los Angeles 1970


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I find it helps me focus my mind and as said by His Divine Grace really helps me remember. I suspect that is one of the reasons many of us like this forum format. If done correctly it seems a form of meditation even.


And when directed to other forums on any issue writing can be a form of spreading the word in seed form. A sentence or to here and there may help spark someone's curiousity in Krsna consciousness. Krsna from within will satisfy their curiousity.

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to be in the spiritual world is a consciousness affair, so if you are spiritually conscious and you are asked to come here to preach, you come here but simultaneously you never leave the spiritual world


prabhupada was never in the material world

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I have realized that at this stage of my development I am not really a devotee but rather a liberationist at heart. I am not concerned with pleasing Krishna just ending my own suffering.


The thing is Prabhupada's constant speaking on the difference between impersonal and personal realizations has convinced me that sayuja mukti is to be avoided. I want to find real life. I need to keep awake to me own individual existence. What a gift that Krsna has given us, our very selves. Why bury that in the light or void?


So ending my present apparant suffering must include the realization of Krishna along with myself.But I don't want to surrender to another's will. I am really stuck here.


I sometimes wish I could just have a little spot in some non-dual garden to sit down in and chant japa until it all got worked out. Like a santa-rasa position with the option of developing more intimate rasa's without all the frigging suffering interupting.


I know that must be done internaly but I'm impatient.

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The thing is Prabhupada's constant speaking on the difference between impersonal and personal realizations has convinced me that sayuja mukti is to be avoided. I want to find real life. I need to keep awake to me own individual existence. What a gift that Krsna has given us, our very selves. Why bury that in the light or void?



Yes,please continue writing your devotional meditations on these forums drawing attention to the wonderful process of surrender to Krishna and His pure devotee Srila Prabhupada.


I see myself as a striver in the realm of some latent devotional feelings for bhakti abasa or shadow bhakti-practicing for the priveledge one day in the not so distant future that Krishna may pick me up from my horrid conditioned state and breathe into me some real bhakti-rasa

from His chosen Vaisnava deputy.

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