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a question about preachin at work.

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Hare Krsna everyone. I have just a question. I sometimes fall into discussions which are often started by other people at work and sometimes people are suprised by what i said. Some of the white bodied people are more inquisitive then the indian folk. Which i find to typical now. No offense anyone.


Just a question though. There is this indian girl who constantly tells me that being bramacari is useless. It started because I mentioned it ONCE. She is not much into religion. She claims to be hindu only because she is married to one(she happens to be from a punjabi background)


ANyways she says things like bramacari's dont contribute anything to society, its not good to be a bramacari and what if the whole world becomes a bramacari then how will the society function and other ridiculus questions.


Anyways, what should i tell this girl. No matter i say she keeps coming back with more nonsense. Its quite annoying.


Hope to hear from you all.


hare krsna.

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brahmacarya is about training. a student does not contribute much to society while he is a student, but the training he receives pays dividend to society later, when the student marries and takes his place in society. very few people will adopt brahmacarya for life. that should not be taken lightly.

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" It started because I mentioned it ONCE. "


so do not speak of these matters, in these days the 99.999999999999% of priests and monks in any religion are cheaters, sexually repressed and disturbance for the society.. so, to convince people of the importance of renunciation, one has to explain a million concepts before


we have to convince people, essentially with our example, to chant hare krishna on regular basis and take prasadam... other things are useless


so stop to quarrel with this girl and invite her and the husband in your home to take prasadam


this is your duty, if now she does not understand the importance of brahmachary ashram who cares? when she'll chant hare krishna, she will understand

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Haridham prabhu, i know this post is not directed to you question but i feel the need to express my feelings towards your postings.


it is wonderful to see that you want to preach about KC but just as you are finding this girl annoying, i am finding that every time you have to say something it is always against Indian people. your statements are also generalizations. not all Indian folk are as you discribe.


please share with us why you feel this way. perhaps i can then understand.


no offence intended.



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'Anyways, what should i tell this girl. No matter i say she keeps coming back with more nonsense. Its quite annoying.



Sounds like you should change the subject.


If she won't listen to you, not much point in going on about it, waste of time, just my opinion.


Sounds as though your preaching to her ahem, Hindus don't like that {my opinion again} talk as a friend, maybe will work ok, I am using my Mother as an example, she not like it one bit.

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you need to take number nine of the offenses to the Holy Name into consideration here.


Don't waste you time arguing with her. Don't waste your time sitting around trying to figure out how to defeat her. This is one of Maya devi's ways of distracting you from the things you should be doing (chanting, reading etc) and will open the window of opportunity of planting doubts in your mind.


If people do not want to hear and/or only want to argue then put number nine into action and just be a nice example of a devotee. That simple action can sometimes bring people around.


Rather than arguing with them - it is better to spend your time and thoughts on chanting, reading and remembering the Lord.


Hare Krsna

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Haribol, I have many stories about such a project, but alas, no time today. I will write some success stories on sunday, when I have a little time. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Hare Krsna Guest Prabhu. I know that I am quite harsh with the indian community. Its just that I have grown up around indian people and then the devotees and it upsets me sometimes how the indian people treat devotees and what they think about them etc. They often say these goras(white people) dont know what they are doing yadada yada but I know this is not everyone and when I do say anything about "them" I dont mean all indians but just the typical indians. I know many nice indians and i agree that not all of them are that way.


Its just that coming from an indian background they always ridicule me for associating with devotees. I mean I dont smoke, drink, do drugs nor am i in the newspaper for some crazy reason but oh no, associating with devotees is bad. That is somethign I dont like.


Anyways, hope that is a bit of a satisfaction.


Hare Krsna

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