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Are we keeping each other stupid?

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this is the point :Are you good saintly association that is free from the mayic illusions of gossip,fault-finding and back-biting

and am I worthy of associating with you for spiritual advancement,bas?

Or ,in other words,are we keeping each other stupid?


Of course ,Sril Rupa Goswami has given us the code of how to properly associate in the Nectar of Instuction.

But in practice it seems that as conditioned souls we fall into bad association as soon as we congregate two or more...


Maya seems to enter ever so quickly into any relationship in that familiarity breeds contempt.


Therefore it is advised to remove onself fron the general mass of people and seek out a mahatma and constantly associate with him through his vani.


Is good saintly association the sole prerogative of liberated souls whose only reason for congregating is to glorify Sri Krishna and give Him more pleasure?

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