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If you want to become a demon, Krsna will supply you, "All right, you become a demon"

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"Become Devotee Or Remain Demon"


75/01/30 Hawaii, Bhagavad-gita 16.4 -extract:




"Arrogance, pride, anger, conceit, harshness and ignorance --

these qualities belong to those of demonic nature,

O son of Prtha."




dambho darpo 'bhimanas ca

krodhah parusyam eva ca

ajnanam cabhijatasya

partha sampadam asurim



So if we desire to become something unlimitedly,

Krsna can supply you your necessities unlimitedly.


Ye yatha mam prapadyante.


That freedom is there.

If you want to remain as a demon,

then Krsna will supply you all the ingredients,

how you can flourish as a demon.


Just like there was Hiranyakasipu

and there was Prahlada.

Prahlada was being supplied spiritual advancement of life, necessities,

and Hiranyakasipu was being supplied for demonic status of life.


So it is Krsna's pleasure that whatever you want,

you can get it.

You get all advantage by Krsna.

If you want to become a demon,

Krsna will supply you,

"All right, you become a demon.

You take whatever you want from Me."

He will give you.

Similarly, if you want to become a demigod or devotee, Krsna will supply you all the necessities.


Now it is my choice

whether I shall become a demon

and whether I shall become a devotee.

This is my choice.

Krsna is equal to everyone.


Samo 'ham sarva-bhutesu.

Otherwise how He is God?

If He is partial to somebody,

then He is not God.

He must be equal.

He is equal to the devotee and non-devotee.


Whatever the nondevotees want, Krsna supplies.

And whatever the devotees want,

Krsna supplies.


But He is very much pleased with the devotee.

Therefore, his supplies are very immediate,

and the demonic supply,

that will depend on his work, karma.

It will depend on the karma.


And devotee's supply,

because this is bhakti,

it is immediately there.

That is the difference.


Krsna says that.

Ye tu bhajanti mam pritya tesu te mayi.

There are millions of living beings.

Some of them are devotees,

and many of them are non-devotees.

So Krsna is kind to the nondevotees also.

Whatever he wants, He will give him.


But the necessities of the devotee is the first consideration for Krsna.

Ye tu bhajanti mam pritya tesu te mayi.


That is Krsna's...

As the devotee is only searching the opportunity,

how to serve Krsna, similarly,

Krsna is also very eager to serve the devotee.

That is a reciprocation of devotional service.


Now it is our choice

whether we want to become a devotee

or whether we want to remain a demon.

That is my choice.


Krsna says that

"You give up this demonic engagement and surrender to Me." That is Krsna's desire.

But if you do not agree with Krsna's desire,

if you want to enjoy your own desire,

then also,

Krsna is also pleased,

He will supply you the necessities.

But that is not very good.

We should agree to Krsna's desires.

We should not allow our desires, demonic desires,

to grow.

That is called tapasya.

Our desires we should sacrifice.

That is called sacrifice.

We should only accept Krsna's desire.

That is the instruction of the Bhagavad-gita.

Arjuna's desire was not to fight,

but Krsna's desire was to fight,

just the opposite.

Arjuna ultimately agreed to Krsna's desire:



karisye vacanam tava [bg. 18.73]:

"Yes, I will act according to Your desire."

That is bhakti.

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