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Sri Ramanujacharya Jayanthi - 25/4/04

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In Kaliyuga during the ages of 9th Century, infidels, athiests, shaivatees, smarthas, muslims were oppressing vaishnavas & were trying all means to demolish vaishnavam. Vaishnavas unable to bear the oppressions of the tyrants, they prayed to Lord Narayana to sent a saviour to save them. So hearing to their prayers, Lord Narayana sent his beloved devotee "Sri Ananta Sesha" (the god of time) to save his devotees from being opressed. Sri Ananta Sesha is beloved pupil of Goddess Mahalakshmi. Mother taught "Sri Ananta Sesha" the philosohy of "Vishistadvaita".


thereby, Sri Ananta Sesha incarnated as "Sri Sri Ramanujacharya" & hissed at the tyrants. Holiness Ramanujacharya squashed the wrong philosophies of the tyrants & proved "Sri Narayana" is the supreme God , expounded "Vishistadvaita" & founded "Sri Vaishnavam". Sri Ramanujacharya revived Vaishnavam.


Even when sri sri Ramanujacharya was a kid, he found 30 errors even in first line of "Kaivala Advaitha philosophy" & proved that "Kaivala Advaitha" is a false philosophy. Many great smartha & shaivate scholars debated with him, but all were defeated.


Unable to tolerate this, saivatees thru help of their tyant chola kings tried all means to kill Sri Ramanujacharya, but due to awesome power of his holiness, their attempts went in vain.


Once Sri Ramanujacharya confronted a Muslim emperor & thru his miraculous powers, the princess of the empire & her brother became devotees of Lord Narayana and attained salvation. Thus Ramanujacharya was so merciful to grant salvation even to muslims.


All Vaishnavas in the world irrespect of their sampradayas are indebted to Sri Sri Ramanujacharya & was hailed as "Saviour of Vaishnavam".


Yes, he was indeed Saviour of Vaishnavam, as without him vaishnavam would have been demolised by tyrants.


Lord Sri Ranganatha many times proclaimed to his devotees that he has granted power to giving salvation to Sri Sri Ramanujacharya & those who surrender Sri Ramanujacharya will attain salvation definitely.

Once in Tirupathi, a milkmaid women asked Ramanujacharya to grant her salvation. Holiness gave a request letter to Tirupathi Balaji recommending to grant salvation to the milkmaid. Loo, A divine hand emerged from "Arch Rupa" of "Srinivasa" and letter was accepted. Within minutes, a divine plane from vaikunda arrived & carried the milkmaid to vaikunda.


Thus were the Amazing power of Sri Sri Ramanujacharya. Lets hail him & surrender to him.


Note : My Mothers shoulder pain was healed as soon as she prayed to Sri Sri Ramanujacharya


/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Namo Venkatesaya Namaha

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