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Then when they speak to sinful people about the teachings of this Krsna consciousness movement

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From Srila Prabhupada Folio Infobase.



<font color="red">To Be Effective in Preaching, the Preacher Must Be Pure and Follow the Regulative Principles

</font color>


Success formula for book distributors: Follow the rules and regulations and chant sixteen rounds; follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya:


Upon seeing the chanting and dancing of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Lord Nityananda predicted that later there would be dancing and chanting in every village.


This prediction of Sri Nityananda Prabhu is applicable not only in India but also all over the world. That is now happening by His grace. The members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are now traveling from one village to another in the Western countries and are even carrying the Deity with them. These devotees distribute various literatures all over the world. We hope that these devotees who are preaching the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will very seriously follow strictly in His footsteps. If they follow the rules and regulations and chant sixteen rounds daily, their endeavor to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will certainly be successful.

Cc. Madhya 7.82



For a preacher to have potency, he must be pure:


Our Krsna consciousness movement is meant for this purpose. We want to create pure devotees so that other people will benefit by their association. In this way the number of pure devotees increases. Professional preachers cannot create pure devotees... Only a pure devotee can convert others to pure devotional service. It is therefore important for all the preachers in our Krsna consciousness movement to first become pure devotees and follow the regulative principles, refraining from illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication. They should regularly chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra on their beads, follow the devotional process, rise early in the morning, attend mangala-arati and recite Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita regularly. In this way, one can become purified and free from all material contamination... To make a show of devotional service will not help one. One must be a pure devotee following the devotional process; then one can convert others to devotional service... If a preacher behaves properly in devotional service, he will be able to convert others. Otherwise, his preaching will have no effect.

Cc. Madhya 24.98



Spiritual strength to preach the Krsna consciousness movement is derived from following the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu:


That order [of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu] is still existing, and anywhere and everywhere, in all parts of the world, one can execute it. That order is to become a spiritual master under the direction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by following the regulative principles, chanting daily at least sixteen rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, and preaching the cult of Krsna consciousness all over the world. If we adhere to the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we shall get spiritual strength without a doubt, and we shall be free to preach this cult of the Hare Krsna movement and not be hampered by anyone.

Cc. Adi 17.126



For a preacher to have potency he must be a pure Vaisnava:


<font color="blue"> Our preachers who are preaching Krsna consciousness all over the world should follow in the footsteps of Narada Muni and become purified by following the four principles and chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. This will make them fit to become Vaisnavas. Then when they speak to sinful people about the teachings of this Krsna consciousness movement, people will be affected and take the instructions... we should follow in the footsteps of Narada Muni and become pure Vaisnavas. A pure Vaisnava is one who has no ulterior motive. He has totally dedicated himself to the service of the Lord. He does not have material desires...</font color>

Cc. Madhya 24.252



ISKCON preaching success formula: Stick to the regulative principles and preach sincerely according to the instructions of the acaryas:


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to preach the sankirtana movement of love of Krsna throughout the entire world, and therefore during His presence He inspired the sankirtana movement. Specifically, He sent Rupa Gosvami to Vrndavana and Nityananda to Bengal and personally went to South India. In this way He kindly left the task of preaching His cult in the rest of the world to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. The members of this Society must always remember that if they stick to the regulative principles and preach sincerely according to the instructions of the acaryas, surely they will have the profound blessings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and their preaching work will be successful everywhere throughout the world.

Cc. Adi 7.171



The devotee is fully protected by following Lord Caitanya's orders:


If one simply follows the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, under the guidance of His representative, and chants the Hare Krsna mantra, teaching everyone as far as possible the same principle, the contamination of the materialistic way of life will not even touch him. It does not matter whether one lives in a holy place like Vrndavana, Navadvipa or Jagannatha Puri or in the midst of European cities where the materialistic way of life is very prominent. If a devotee follows the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he lives in the company of the Lord. Wherever he lives, he converts that place into Vrndavana and Navadvipa. This means that materialism cannot touch him. This is the secret of success for one advancing in Krsna consciousness.

Cc. Madhya 7.129



Preaching ability is based on detachment and wisdom:


To disseminate transcendental knowledge one must retire from mundane activities on the strength of enlightenment in knowledge in terms of Vedic wisdom.

Bhag. 3.7.3



To push on the Krsna consciousness movement, the regulative principles must be followed:


Unless one is firmly fixed in the regulative principles, one may perform mischievous acts, even if one is a member of the Krsna consciousness movement. We therefore advise our disciples to strictly follow the regulative principles; otherwise the most important movement for the upliftment of humanity will be hampered due to dissension among its members. Those who are serious about pushing forward this Krsna consciousness movement should remember this and strictly follow the regulative principles so that their minds will not be disturbed.

Bhag. 5.14.35



If we follow the rules and regulations (of devotional service) we can elevate others:


When a person is advanced in spiritual consciousness or Krsna consciousness, he naturally becomes very sympathetic toward all living entities suffering in the material world. Naturally such an advanced person thinks of the suffering of the people in general... If one is actually sympathetic to fallen, suffering humanity, he should try to elevate people from material consciousness to spiritual consciousness... By the grace of Krsna, we may raise a person to spiritual consciousness if we ourselves follow the rules and regulations. If we give up our own spiritual activities and simply become concerned with the bodily comforts of others, we will fall into a dangerous position.

Bhag. 5.8.9



Qualifications for effective preaching:


If a devotee is qualified, sincere and serious about Krsna consciousness and if he follows the instructions of a bona fide spiritual master, as Prahlada Maharaja did when preaching the instructions he had received from Narada Muni, his preaching is effective.

Bhag. 7.8.1



One who chants sixteen rounds and preaches is "fit to become a spiritual master for the entire world":


[sanatana Gosvami to Haridasa Thakura] "Some behave very well but do not preach the cult of Krsna consciousness, whereas others preach but do not behave properly. You simultaneously perform both duties in relation to the holy name by your personal behavior and by your preaching. Therefore you are the spiritual master of the entire world, for you are the most advanced devotee in the world."


Sanatana Gosvami clearly defines herein the bona fide spiritual master of the world. The qualifications expressed in this connection are that one must act according to the scriptural injunctions and at the same time preach. One who does so is a bona fide spiritual master... The members of the Krsna consciousness movement chant a minimum of sixteen rounds a day, which can be done without difficulty, and at the same time they must preach the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu according to the gospel of Bhagavad-gita As It Is. One who does so is quite fit to become a spiritual master for the entire world.

Cc. Antya 4.102-103



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