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What the world needs now is qualified Brahmanas

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I was having a discussion with someone who claimed that brahmanas are parasites on society doing no work and exhorting others to renounce society in favor of working as the brahmanas economic supporters, this is my response.



In vedic teachings the brahmana plays an important position in society, more important then any other position, his job is to guide the rulers of society to act properly to enforce the rules of law that protect the rights of the people against those who would exploit them or hurt them.


In today's society this is needed more then in the past, today anyone with money can gain power over others, the most oppressive violent abusive actions can be commited by the governments at the instigations of the moneyed class, today fascism rules over the world.


Fascism is the system of governing whereby the wealthiest people work hand in hand with the government for the purposes of the wealthiest people, it is government that is essentially a tool of the wealthiest people.


the world today and the globilization empire of the corporate/banking elites exert a fascist control over all governments, those that will not submit are attacked either by direct military force or by covert violence or economic violence.


Of course there is no one single cabal controlling it all, there are a few who dominate over the rest, basically there are those who back the dollar as the worlds standard currency versus those who back the new euro as the world standard.


Iraq is where this battle is being played out.


If you don't know why the iraq war is going on: think dollars vs the euro and the

absolute necessity to control oil production in order that the dollar's value

is maintaned, in the 70's OPEC made a deal with the U.S. to only accept dollars

from all countries who wanted to buy oil, this forced other countries to aquire dollars

thereby keeping the value of the dollar and the associated securities market very high,

Saddam (and others, an example is being made of iraq's disobedience) posed a threat buy deciding to accept the euro which cause's the dollar to plummet in value.





The world today is led by the merchant class, they have no concern over anything other then their own schemes for wealth and power, this is the result of not having brahmanas guide the enforcement of law against the exploitation and violence, today's governments believe as you do, they accept no ideology other then their own accumulation of wealth and pleasure, they have no spiritual values nor do they have spiritual guidance from authentic brahmanas, the result is we live in a fascist global empire that feeds off of the sweat and blood of the weakest and poorest people all for the benefit of the wealthiest.


This is the result of your philosophy, no spirituality nor taking guidance from real brahmanas leads to the present situation, the vedic teachings predict this exact outcome for a society that neglects the authority of the brahmanas, a society that neglects the guidance of the authentic spiritual guides and teachings becomes a true parasite feeding off of peoples labor and creating desitute economies around the world, most people live life precariously while the leaders count their billions and use their wealth to control the governments to keep the people living at slave wages to keep the profits of the corporations at maximum levels, they create and support dictators and supplicant governments to ensure their policies of enforced poverty and disempowerment of the mass of humanity.


Yet you believe that the authentic brahmanas are the problem, in fact the brahmanas are the only possible way out of this mess, only by enlightening the ruling class to the facts of karma and the rules of the personality of godhead enforced by His law after death will the ruling elite change their ways, there is no other solution, they have absolute power and control and are entrenched as no other empire in the worlds history.


Only by awakening them to the future they face as their karmic debts increase day by day will they reconsider their present course, that is our purpose, while you lamely complain about guru's in fact the self realized souls are our only hope, they have the potency and empowerment "brahma tejas" to enlighten the ruling elites and steer them from their present course towards a lower birth, only the brahmanas can restore civility and compassion as the ideals of government instead of it's present fascism, only the brahmanas can make this world a better place. In a way today is unique in world history, so much power concentrated in so few hands will make the world much easier to re integrate Dharma as it's policy once the leaders wake up to the eternal laws of karma.

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Adi.13.5 PUPORT (excerpt)


The Caitanya-caritamrta (Madhya 22.31) states:


krsna ----surya-sama; maya haya andhakara

yahan krsna , tahan nahi mayara adhikara


"Krsna is bright like the sun. As soon as the sun appears, there is no question of darkness or nescience." Similarly, the present verse also describes that by the illumination of all the moons, brightened by the reflection of the Krsna sun, or by the grace of all the devotees of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the entire world will be illuminated, despite the darkness of Kali-yuga. Only the devotees of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu can dissipate the darkness of Kali-yuga, the ignorance of the population of this age. No one else can do so. We therefore wish that all the devotees of the Krsna consciousness movement may reflect the supreme sun and thus dissipate the darkness of the entire world.

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you can call these postings,Kernels of Enlightenment


Do you personally know of any brahmanas who act in that capacity as the guides of society as described in your article?


Can we ever transcend the 'might makes right ' syndrome of exploitation and abuse of the fascist world?

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in Kali yuga many of the so called brahmanas are indeed just parasites on society. there is nothing more destructive than a degraded brahmana. that is why in Kali-yuga many demons appear in brahmana bodies. what you wrote about importance of brahmanas is correct, provided they are indeed true and qualified brahmanas. I have seen many people (in ISKCON as well) pretending to be brahmanas just for selfish material gain.

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Do you personally know of any brahmanas who act in that capacity as the guides of society as described in your article?



I don't know, maybe India to some extent, although clearly they have many things to change, in many ways some countries in Europe are more Dharmic, I mean they have a better justice system, more protections, less corruption, for example Holland, still the real problem isn't the individual countries because they are beholden to the fascist corporate/banking global predators who enforce their decree's with threats of destabilization, economic warfare, military force, covert violence etc.


The solution is to enlighten the real rulers who dominate over the various governments, clearly they have no authentic brahmanas guiding them.



Can we ever transcend the 'might makes right ' syndrome of exploitation and abuse of the fascist world?



All we can do is our duty and leave the result to Krsna, so yes things can change and I am confident they will. Many of the true rulers have some ideology that they follow but due to not having yet come in contact with authentic brahmanas and the bonafide vedic teachings they have as yet to be enlightened, maybe through their children ? It's just a matter of time.


As far as Iskcon is concerned they are of relative importance, Iskcon is not the problem or the solution, it is the qualified brahmanas inside or outside of any institution that will make the difference.

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in Kali yuga many of the so called brahmanas are indeed just parasites on society. there is nothing more destructive than a degraded brahmana. that is why in Kali-yuga many demons appear in brahmana bodies. what you wrote about importance of brahmanas is correct, provided they are indeed true and qualified brahmanas. I have seen many people (in ISKCON as well) pretending to be brahmanas just for selfish material gain.



Of course any spiritual guide must be qualified to present the authentic teachings otherwise the recipient will judge the book by it's cover, if the person or group who is presenting the so called truth light and way yet at the same time is presenting themselves in a fashion that is not attractive to the potential student then it will be unsuccessfull.


for example in India renunciation is seen in many peoples vision as a prerequisite for acceptance as a bonafide speaker or representative of God, not so elsewhere, for the rest of the world renunciation is seen by almost everyone as a mental disorder of some variety, So it's not the external appearence of strict rules of the Hindu variety that will win over those who are not hindu, rather it is the persons personal social skills as well as the ability to impress the ruling elite that Krsna consciousness is about more enjoyment, a higher level of lifestyle, these people do not respect renunciation they are looking for enhancement of enjoyment, we need brahmanas who can present Krsna consciousness in that way.

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