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Duality: Another Bottom Line

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Hayagriva dasa: Plotinus writes: “A soul in such a conedition [of forgetfulness] can be turned about and led back to the world above and the supreme existent, the One. this can be done by a two-fold discipline: by showing it the low value of the things it esteems at present, and by informing––reminding!––it of its nature and worth.”


Srila Prabhupada: Yes, this is the process. One may understand or not, but if one is engaged in Krsna’s service under the direction of the spiritual master, he automatically gives up the service of maya and is liberated.


visaya vinivartante

niraharasya dehinah

rasa-varjam raso ’py asya

param drsöva nivartate


“The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.” (Bg. 2.59) However, if he again voluntarily accepts maya’s service, he again becomes conditioned. By rendering service to Krsna under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master, we can come to understand all that need be known. the devotees do not speculate about their position; they know it by the grace of Krsna.


tesam satata-yuktanam

bhajatam priti-purvakam

dadami buddhi-yogam tam

yena mam upayanti te


tesam evanukampartham

aham ajnana-jam tamah

nasayamy atma-bhava-stho

jnana-dipena bhasvata


“To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me. Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge, the darkness born of ignorance.” (Bg. 10.10-11)

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