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Confessions of a 'born again' Krishnite

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Confessions of a 'born again' Krishnite :


1. I chant harinama that is very powerful, and therefore I am also a very powerful one, I am a bhakta.


2. I am vegetarian, so I am pure and superior than omnivorous ordinary humanoids.


3. I took Vaisnava-diksa and all my sins were burned forever, ordinary people who are not initiated in my sect would face the terrible fate of to born again like animals, or like ordinary karmis, rascals, hypocrites, demons, etc.


4. Only my sectarian viewpoints are correct in all aspects, as they are supported by powerful and infallible acaryas.


5. People are suffering in this world only due their ignorance caused by maya. I have nothing to do with their karma. They will be released from all suffer as soon as they adopt harinama.


6. All relationships I may have in this world are all temporary and they only will cause damage to my bhajana, therefore it is better to leave alone like a urban hermit and occasionally to have some meetings with some people of my sect.


7. My religion is superior than all the others and only it can give one the utmost experience of divine love.


8. Only those who follows all the rituals of my sect are eligible to advance in this spiritual path.


9. I'm controlling my senses, my mind and intelligence and I have no more interest in this world. I am freed from maya forever.


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