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If you say,"I love you";one day you'll say ,"I hate you!"

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If one day you say ,"I'm your best friend"

One day you'll say,"I'm your worst enemy"


This is the love/hate of the material world.


Krishna Prema is not like that.

"Love is for Krishna"



love/hate is for this world of duality,illusion and temporality.


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Reminds me of a couple of my "soul mates" that I have known.



Good description of that pitiful 'friends' situation

Flip Flops


Ultimately no one is our friend,no one is our enemy


Only Lord Krishna and the Vaisnavas are our eternal wellwishers and best friends.

Let us pray for Their causeless mercy so that we can give up

the so-called 'friendship ,society & love' of this friggin' world.


Alas,we too have had the most unsavory experience of betrayal by so-called 'god-brothers' who choose to be servants of power-mongering cult leaders rather than servants of Sri Guru and Gouranga.



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I feel even attachment for devotees, is not so good, if they let you down someway, it can cause you grief.


But then that's natural, to feel bad, if a karmi does something bad to you it can be tolerated, but if a devotee 'may' then it's heartbreaking.


I can find no solution..Save and except just forgiveness.


But also if a pure devotee sees that he is being treated badly he can cope, as he is in perfect knowledge, he can actually see why it happended, but most of us don't know, we only guess, which further causes offences to all


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Do you notice how everything has something to balance itself out? Do you notice the relationship between the opposites?



Without hate there would be no love


Without the bottom there would be no top



Without evil, there would be no good.


This is the relationship opposites have, they both are at the other side of the end, but they need eachother to exctsed.


God made this system to balance everything out, so we dont have only evil on this planet (YIKES) or only have good on this planet (thats even worse then having evil)


Always stay in the middle of the two opposites, if you turn your back on one of them, it will stab u from the back.



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