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Fallen,conditioned and sinful but still a Guru?

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How can one who is fallen continue to be a spiritual guide for his disciples and followers ?


Is it that they see in him the fallen conditioned spirit souls that they are?


Is it easier in Kali-yuga to surrender to a conditioned soul guru than a nitya-siddha like Srila Prabhupada?

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How can one who is fallen continue to be a spiritual guide for his disciples and followers ?

...he can't


Is it that they see in him the fallen conditioned spirit souls that they are?

...thing that makes all the relationship useless


Is it easier in Kali-yuga to surrender to a conditioned soul guru than a nitya-siddha like Srila Prabhupada?

....yes, if i want to go on with sense gratification, i am more happy if i choose a teacher that i can consider not absolute when i want to go against some rule and regulation and act myself as the master. If i think that guru makes mistakes i have more space for independence

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"How can one who is fallen continue to be a spiritual guide for his disciples and followers ?"


Such fallen guru cannot be seen as spiritual guide by a sincere disciple. But it is proper for a former disciple to show respect and gratitude to his former guru in appreciation of the guidance and inspiration received from him earlier. A debt must be honored in all circumstances. That is the Aryan way.


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