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butchery and torture

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Support the troops. Support the troops. The liberals chant in unison, “We support the troops”. This is their surrender to the 20 Fascists who usurped the U.S.A. This is their support for the annihilation of the U.S. Constitution, and this is their declaration of open and often violent hostility against all opposition, thoughts, words, and deeds. Before definition of “support” can be understood to be inclusive of both policy makers and policy facilitators, the word “troop” must be understood.


Because of the draft, Vietnam era troops included hundreds of thousands of people who were troops against their free will. Under threat of imprisonment, we were forced back then to shoot our way out of adolescence. Many of today’s troops are coerced into “volunteering” by a designed economic and educational imprisonment. Thousands are hopelessly lost in the fields of Armageddon because they thought “the reserves” was a weekend job to make the car payment or pay for an occasional Sunday night concert in Ames, Iowa. To the above victims, I am devastated at our victimization, and we are deserving NONE of the perceived criticism of troops in the following paragraphs.


When one breaks all regulations of all religious systems by taking an oath in God’s name to serve agents of Kali Yuga in their immoral war desires, such an oath removes the troop from U.S. Constitutional protection. The Bill of Rights, the amendments abolishing slavery, etc., do not apply to U.S. servicemen. Their government is not our government, nor is their justice system remotely connected (yet) to that of the U.S. citizen. Troops are bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The UCMJ is not a creation of “we the people”, rather is a set of arbitrary laws applied without any civilian authority. Thus, a “troop” is a slave, a scapegoat, without freedom to assemble, speak, write, and is under orders that prevent freedom of movement.


Non-elected politicians, such as SecDef, SecState, National Security Advisors, etc, are the creators of Kali Yuga war. Their only diplomatic skills amount to accepting donations from the hidden Moguls to ensure their figurehead sits as the commander-in-chief. The military commanders are willing accomplices to the policies set forth by these extra-constitutional officials, and those who accept the authority of the commanders of the military cannot be separated from the policy itself. The entire military is to blame for immoral war, from the financiers, to the industrialists, the hidden think tanks who make strategy to implement policy, to the commanders, troops, equipment, civilian contractors, and most of all, the demoniac priests who invoke the Name of God as the Supreme Enabler of Holocaust.


The crime of POW torture, disregard of international rules of engagement, and the Geneva Convention, these things are not even considered in the present crisis. The “crime” is that slaves had the audacity to think they had a right to film their desert experience away from Ames, Iowa. The apology rendered IS sincere. The United States is extremely sorry that their secret policy of systematic torture of the enemy has been destroyed by a camera sent from home by some slave’s parents. Just as the LAPD has a standing policy of “Go ahead and beat to death the ni—er, but don’t get caught on film”, The U.S. has, as it’s only possibility to break the spirit of those they seek to dominate and usurp the resources of those they cannot otherwise control, a policy of torture, humiliation, destruction of the enemies’ faith, etc.


Bush the Butcher is truly and sincerely sorry that the world has seen the condition of his anti-Christian soul. He is truly angry at his secretary of defense for not crushing this revealed truth of torture before the drones and sycophants back home, chanting “support our troops” from both stage left and stage right, witnessed the darkness of Fascism.


mad mahax

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