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The anti-christ is already among us

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According to Cardinal Biffi. Biffi may be elected the next Pope. here is what he says on the anti-christ,



Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, 71, said that the modern Antichrist, identified in the Book of Revelations as a seven-headed beast, was most likely now disguised as a philanthropist supporting creeds like vegetarianism, animal rights, pacifism, and advocating dialogue with Orthodox or Anglican believers.



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We were warned.



SB 12.3.38: Uncultured men will accept charity on behalf of the Lord and will earn their livelihood by making a show of austerity and wearing a mendicant's dress. Those who know nothing about religion will mount a high seat and presume to speak on religious principles.




Who can be expected to learn the deep things of God from a calf torturer and killer?



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I once read an article a few months ago about how the pope was sitting on a throne with an upside down cross, indicating that the "black mages" have taken over the Vatican. This sort of sectarian talk that is devoid of any devotion to Lord Jesus can only serve to turn the masses against Christianity, even more so than before.


The devil sells truth as lies sometimes. Perhaps the AntiChrist indeed walks among us now, and perhaps his name is Cardinal Baffi.

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Anti-Cristo's accountant may figure it out.

But first offer anti-pasta, next linguini with fried curd (nonviolent protein) balls. But wait, b4 u turn your key, check your Anti-Freeze.

Jesus warned "Don't tempt the Lord thy God"

Nonetheless, these rascals precisely disobey Lord Jesus Christ by trying to force (attempting to tempt) KalyavatAr Jayanti (appearance) 400k yrs too soon.

Instead they'll get YamadUtas knocking but quick.

Our entire combined US Armed Forces appears formidable as they drop hi-tech bombs on women & children worldwide, yet we r weaker than a windswept carddeck or sandcastle in comparison to one single YamadUta.

Recheck 5th Canto Ch 26. Rummy's image clearly depicted.

Go down Moses. Lo Tirtsach - Thou Shalt Not Kill (anything with life in it)

Get it? Got it. Good.

"Now those that r first shall later b last, for the Times they're a Changin'"

Universal Laws r so strictly administered, even if u think u r serving God...

In Atlanta Mar1975 Ponce de Leon, Jana-spRha asked PrabhupAd:

"If I'm painting KRSNa's Temple wall and there's an insect in my way, may I kill it?"

SP sharply replied: "U have to take permission from higher authority, otherwise u r implicated in sinful reactions, even if u kill an ant!"

Just imagine.

Even the Pope warned him: "U enter Iraq without God"

This so-called religious right knows nothing about God.

Lochan bole sei pApI elo Ara gelo

This means

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Nor was Hitler a religious man. That egocentrism seems to accommodate the entitled who feel THEY CAN LIVE AT THE EXPESE OF ALL others… BECAUSE what they are doing is so God_amn important!


No higher purpose! No higher brain! (… Maybe a bug's life; something like a praying mantis… I wonder what a praying mantis becomes… ??? Can you see where you've been and where you're going?). /images/graemlins/frown.gif Are you sufficiently concerned?


What are you doing about it… [philosophically speaking (to all)] ?


And what are you doing to preserve the time to pursue these engrossing subtle subjects… like spiritual life? Let's hear what the government dog boys say! And I'd like to know who is gonna raise the kids in this culture? I mean who can afford it? Let's see some objective numbers!


(I Sorta feel'in like a Jew under Hitler) (But the marketing is better! …So is the killing of the innocent… so many sophisticated ways! …applied in the interest of all).


Don't miss the commercial!

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Hitler was hated for attacking and killing the innocent.


But it's now OK when YOUR GOVERNMENT does it. Nuking a city seems like a good idea!


Hey! Let's start a war, kill all our problems, AND MONOPOLIZE what's left! Well make it the LAW!



Eh? What's happening? Are you angry with me for some reason? I didn't vote for Bush...

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I recall reading an interview some years back in which Pope John Paul II mentioned that his favorite meal would have to include vodka and the most reprehensible and barbaric of corpulent foods, veal.

I am not inclined to feel the Catholic cultural tradition in it's current administrative form is qualified to identify such specific detail as the identity of some alleged "Anti-Christ".

The current Catholic Church is by plain admission implicated in one of the most simple evils to identify...the slaughtering of God helpless lower creatures...and the subsequent comsumption of their flesh for the base delights of the tongue.

Ultimately given the hellish condition the Earth planet is sliding towards, any thoughtful person, no robes, no title nor any position in some worldwide religious institution required, could rather easily assert that some serious demoniac element has taken up residence on the planet.

Such an observation seems to me to be a pretty wide and easy net to cast.

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Haribol. Food discrepancies aside, JPII was not a bad pope, for the last one. Saint Malachi is a great Irish prophet from 6th century CE. He listed all the popes by one-liners, and JPII is the last. The next pope is what is known as a black-pope, the clerical version of the anti-christ. As the pope is kinda like a siksa of diksa christ, the next pope is the siksa of the anti-dude. So if this boffo dude says what he says, Id believe him, he should know, he is paving the way.


Thru no fault of JPII, the catholic church ended during his reign. He kept the faith, ruled strong against inhumanity, a main teaching of Lord Jesus Christ. But he is not accepted by the new black-church. (For a better understanding of these things, read the tome "Winswerpt House" by malachi martin


maybe more later, if there is a later.



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In a previous discussion on this forum I brought up the hypocrisy of the Pope eating meat and drinking booze. I also asserted that he is moreless a victim of the deviation within the Catholic tradition which allows such activities. Srila Prabhupada and every other Vaisnava Saint has pointed out such indulgences are extreme impediments to genuine spiritual advancement. The current Catholic tradition unmistakabley disagrees.

To his credit he has remitted his entire life to God within the tradition as he has been made to understand it which is absolutely no small accomplishment.

I am quite sure the Pope is beyond sincere in his pursuit of spiritual life as he has been taught by the Church. You are quite right he has been a powerful and ceaseless voice of opposition towards other types of horrors within human society.

The problem is clearly one of institutional approval of such behavior, not of the Pope being in possession of bad character.

Nevertheless there is no escaping the reality that he is the face of the modern Catholic tradition and one cannot ignore his apparent inability to see, on his own, evilness where it resides within his own house.

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He has done a lot of good. Opposes abortion, helped break the communist held over Poland and much more. One of his best moments I thought was when that crazy guy shot him twice at close range and the Pope immediately forgave him.


I just ran into this funny quote from one of our beloved past leaders.


"I would have made a good Pope."

- Richard M. Nixon

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Haribol, theist, thanx for your nixon quote, reminds me of the deadpan joke of the late John Candy describing Pope as the best job in the world.


mad mahax

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I read the Nixon quote and imagined Tricky dressed out in the Pope uniform...I couldn't help but image other celebs in equally incongruent social costumes... Martha Stewart in a N.Y. Giants football uni...shoulder pads, hands taped and all...Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich at center court waiting for the opening jump as the starting center for the L.A. Lakers...Donald Rumsfeld decked out as a Las Vegas show girl...Mr Pres. George Bush in sannyasi cloth, delivering a sunday feast lecture...his danda wrapped in camoflage colors...Osama Bin Laden wearing a Mr Rogers sweater taking the kids on a tour of a honey factory...Rush Limbaugh dolled up as...a doctor shopping, drug seeking, junky... uhhh...never mind.

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