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Why should we get married.


If we get married, what type of a girl ( if I am a guy) or guy ( if I am a girl), should we choose?


what if our parents are searchin for a guy or girl who is well educated, but has no adyatma gnana. Can anyone marry such people?

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i would say try to find a person you love. i don't believe in arranged marriage anymore at this time.


i'm married to a girl who is nota devotee, and we're doing well, so no problem. mariage is important is the way that your union is sanctified and religious.it's a union between souls. you commit your life to bewith one person and noone else. you're regulated.


but better find the good person before getting married too quickly. that's my opinion. i saw so many devotee need a gilr and marry the 1st one they found. i think it is not good. you must know and lovethe person you marry. it is important. if you love each other you can understand each other and that's the goal.

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I agree that there are problems with arranged marriages. But, as I have seen, the love marriages, at least the way these are happening now, also do not guarantee a happy married life. There are many instances where a boy and a girl love each other so dearly that it seems that they can do anything for each other. But soon after marriage, they get divorced as if they never loved each other. The theme of many love marriages seems to be

Today I love you.

Tomorror I leave you.

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Why should we get married. ?


because we like sex. With marriage we can turn sex, that is basically an exploitation of the partner and a thing to increase our identification with the matter, in a useful and saint relationship, very useful to go back to godhead. It is a devotional service.


If we get married, what type of a girl ( if I am a guy) or guy ( if I am a girl), should we choose?


choose who you do like and who appears to be a lifelong companion, and act with your example and without forcing to turn a simple marriage as something to increase spiritual consciousness


what if our parents are searchin for a guy or girl who is well educated, but has no adyatma gnana. Can anyone marry such people?


it is very difficult to answer... to get a companion with similar spiritual interests is a great fortune, but it is not at all easy, because it is possible to marry with a devotee and cut the relationship after some months because there's no love


to know a guy or girl in a discoteque or because our parents bring her/him in our home on sunday is basically the same thing.... be sure to marry who you love

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  • 4 months later...

I am the same person who posted this thread and I am back again with another question laaalalalalalaaaaaaa.


My aim in life is God and nothing else. I have realized this truth that the true happiness is in God and only God. Its unfortunate that people are working like donkeys just for money, thinking that money gives happiness. but I do agree that you need money to survive and to take care of your family. I am working now and looking forward to getting my Master's. The only reason i am studying further is for my survival, thatz all and I don’t have any desire of making money in millions or billions (when I have realised that God is the ultimate source of happiness and money cannot make me happy).


My parents are searching a suitable guy for me. My parents do not have the spiritual knowledge. I know that they want me to get into a good family where I can live happily without any financial trouble. I do understand that they care for me and I too care for them. I have informed them many a times that I want a guy who is a devotee of the lord or if he not a devotee, he atleast should give me freedom to do what I want (I want to pursue studying Sanskrit and would like to do in-depth study of upanishads and other scared texts after completing the master's. I have studied sanskrit in my school and college also).


My parents don’t understand that, they think that a guy with money and good education like MS etc can keep me happy. They dismiss my opinion saying that it is childish. They show me some stupid guys who want me to be career minded. I am not career minded, my career and life is GOD. 80% of them value this materialistic education as something very great and treat me like some horrible thing because I dont have good education like a BE or any master's degree.


I have failed to convince my parents and also dont like these guys. I dont want to end up marring a wrong person and regret all my life. Who knows if I will get a human form in my next birth? I dont want waste my time regretting and crying after marring a wrong person. I am a very unromantic person and haven’t got attracted or rather say fallen in love with anyone. I feel that its a waste of time dating someone or spend ones time speaking some nonsensical things with that person. If I want to speak, then I would like to speak about Krishna only. I usually dont speak much and a very reserved person. I would rather run away to some place than getting married to some materialists or people who would not give me the freedom to do what I like.


What do I do?





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I really don't know if this is any responsible advice, but you seem like a responsible and mentally mature person yourself, so I will give it anyway, the answer to your dilemma being presented in your own words:


"I would rather run away to some place than getting married to some materialists or people who would not give me the freedom to do what I like."


If you are really being pressured into a marital relationship you don't want—just RUN AWAY! Choose the right to be what you are. Choose YOURSELF. Choose GOD. What more can I say? God has given us our tiny independance. Use it right!


Or else just try again to convince your parents...and again....

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The spiritual union between two loves, the contract the State takes ownership, the intention for legitimate family, Staus to breach.


Look deeply in ones soul the relationship experience and subsequent union is individule in meaning. The form of the institution and the invasion of government over the living soul human beings is another topic and unfortunately the one that confuses the Union between two souls.


Family needs support and whether one marries in the form of paperwork or not vows and commitment strengthen the children who bless life with reasons to be here.


a child is God manifest and when one experiences freely this beauty of creation in the making One is One with God/Krsna/Devi et al.


May each allow another their path and why they are here.


When elders are wise an arranged marriage and wisdom from the ancients including Krsna serve best the form of marriage that can last.


In the Kali-yuga how can anything move forward?







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<font color="blue">PAMHO</font color>


I would like to know when does a marriage is approved and when is not...


nowdays many many ppl do register marriages(human law) and don bother marrying relegiously(gods law)...

does that mean all this marriages are not approved?...


and different religion has its own way of handling marriages....are all this marriages approved?...

in vaishnavisme wat is the final thing to show that a women is married to a man?...

ex:manggal sutram/thali/ring/necklace....


I think u guys will understand my question...

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Hare Krishna


In Vedic tradition marraige was considered necessary as every human born is to be considered under various debts -- those of parents, society, Spiritual Masters, mother earth, various gods/godesses etc.; in short everyone who has helped us. So to clear the debt of parents and society at large it was considered necessary. However, one who has surrendered to the Supreme Lord is automatically freed of all the debts, and then the only job is to serve Krishna. The second reason, as has been mentioned, is regulation of sex; but the core of the thing is that in materialist way family life is considered essential.


This human life is very precious and the attraction to God and His message is the most precious jewel in existence which should not be lost at any cost. So the conclusion of all scriptures and Spiritual Masters is that even associating with materialistic persons should be avoided as far as possible, what then of marrying such a person. Sometimes we do not know the value of what we possess. I have experienced it in the case of my mother and myself that once we squander this attraction to God not only is it painful but when we try to take up His service again nothing can be said of when His mercy will be bestowed again -- for this attraction is definitely His mercy.


When small, i had an attraction for Krishna but under the influence of "modern education" and prevailing environment became a staunch atheist ass before the mercy of Krishna was bestowed. However much i try to search the innocent attraction which was present before, it is to be found nowhere -- now i just make a show of devotion when none is there.


So in accordance with the authorities, it can be said that marrying a materialist person should be avoided at all costs; on the other hand marrying a genuine devotee whose centre of existence is Krishna is nice because associating with devotees is considered to be essential for advancing in spiritual life.

what can i say ... pray to Krishna with conviction to show the way or send a nice fellow who is a devotee as He may desire.

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the previous post was mine, but i was logged out at the time.

One thing is that i spelled marriage wrong twice -- apologies.


I really beg to differ from the person who posted with the title of "what is marriage?". There is never a Union of two souls, neither spiritual union between two loves. The basis of all spiritual relationships is the relationship of a being with the Supreme Lord. All other relationships, however nice and real they appear (even one between mother and child) are temporary and not spiritual in nature. Serving Krishna by bringing up the child with proper education in Krishna consciousness is truly spiritual, but serving the child as a manifestation of Lord is in ignorance.

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Hare Krishna, female guest, my user name is BruzWayne, I'm waiting for my password to become a registered member here.


Regarding marriage allow me to share with you the following information that I found in a book entitled ACCORDING TO RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLES, which is a guide for authorized sexual relationships for Krishna Consciousness Married Couples. This book is a devotees recopilation of Srila Prabhupada's teachings about the subject.


1) First of all man and woman must get married by the fire ceremony.

2) Then the sexual relationship can take place but only if the couple's spiritual master gives them authorization during that month.

3) Only 5 days after the menstruation period has finished.

4) Only after both husband and wife have chanted 50 rounds of maha-mantra each one, that day.

5) Only with the conscious knowledge and the intention of begetting a child.

6) Only during certain hours -I think in the early morning- which are auspicious for conception.

7) And then when the wife gets pregnant sexual relationships will stop until some time after the birth of the child.


As far as I remember from this book these are the most important steps to consider in order to have authorized sexual relationships. In this way, the baby gets born in a spiritual way.


One more thing, all kinds of anti-conception methods and devices are not allowed, because in Krishna Consciousness sex is meant only to have children and not just for sense gratification.


However, due to ignorance of these steps, the world is now populated by unwanted population or population born without parents following the Vedic recommendations, that is why so many wars and crime and madness.


Therefore, female guest, in reply to your wondering about marriage, it is a regulated arrengement in Vedic terms so spiritual babies can be born.


However, Srila Prabhupada instructs that marriage is an entanglement and should be avoided. Anyway, according to the Vedas when the man becomes 50 years old he must retire from married life and engage himself in devotional service for Krishna free from wife and family attachments, so when dead arrives he's ready to go back to Godhead and same for the woman, she also must give up married life at the proper time and engage herself in devotional service for Krishna.


You say that you are already situated in a position that you don't need a husband but only display your love for God. Congratulations. It seems that you are a pure devotee free from attachment to material sense gratification.


Hare Krishna.


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