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A World State

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Syamasundara dasa: Kant believes that there should be a world state in which everyone can participate, and a system of international law regulating relationships between various nations or states.


Srila Prabhupada: This is also our position, the proposition of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness. There is one God, and there should be one state. If we can turn the majority of people to Krsna consciousness, they will vote for Krsna conscious people, and they will not be exploited. The principles that we are following individually can be introduced on a larger scale.

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While I agree with Kant, the thought that belief is dictated to the masses is scary. If people choose Krsna then I am happy for them, but nobody should be converted or preached to, rather the information on all religions should be made available and people should make their own minds up.

The problem with UK politics is the church. It is actually illeagal to be any religion in the UK that is not Anglican. Luckily the law on blasphemy is largely ignored, although Islam almost saw itself forbidden for denying that Christ was the son of God when it tried to revive blasphemous laws in the wake of Salman Rushdie affair.

The sooner such laws are abolished in the world the better. Lets keep politics and religion separate in the world and respect all views and beliefs regardless of our own opinion


tat tvam asi

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