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Dominant Phase of Absolute

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Syamasundara dasa: Hegel believes that the dominant nation in any epoch represents a dominant phase of the Absolute at that time. For instance, if the United States is currently predominant, the Absolute is being expressed through the United States.


Srila Prabhupada: Aeons ago, the Absolute Truth was connected to teh dominant nation. That is, to Maharaja Pariksit. Because Maharaja Pariksit and Maharaja Yudhisthira were representing God, they could dominate the entire world. Now all that is lost, and today there are many small states that are not God conscious; therefore they are fighting each other like cats and dogs. Still, it is a fact that Vedic kings like Maharaja Ramacandra, Maharaja Prthu, Maharaja Yudhisthira, and Maharaja Pariksit were actually representatives of God. In those days, one king ruled the entire world. Therefore there was no trouble.


Syamasundara dasa: Could America’s dominance in this century be attributed to God’s will?


Srila Prabhupada: Whenever we see some extraordinary power, we should understand that it is derived from God’s power. We may therefore say that the predominance of America is due to God’s favor. However, if Americans spread Krsna consciousness and make their president Krsna conscious, America will be God’s empowered nation. Let the president be Krsna conscious. Why not? Educate the American people to be Krsna conscious and elect a Krsna conscious president. This Krsna consciousness movement is in your hands, and it is up to you to utilize it and become the factual leaders of the world. It was my mission to go to America and educate the Americans in Krsna consciousness becasue I knew that if they become Krsna conscious, the whole world will follow. You are young men, and this mission is in your hands. A few Communists like Stalin and Lenin formed a big Communist Party, and now this Party is dominating most of the world. It was started by a few men. Now many of you young Americans have understood this God conscious philosophy, and it is up to you to spread this movement. You should not become stagnant, thinking, “Now I have understood Krsna consciousness. Now let me sit down and just chant Hare Krsna.” this is not desired. Go spread Krsna consciousness, and in this way glorify your nation.

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