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The Yamadutas at the Time of Death (Terminal Restlessness)

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We all get knowledge of impending death. But like the cornered hare, we simply close our eyes. Meanwhile…


We all get to fake each other out… This is our thrill.


"The physical suffering was nothing compared to the mental torture he was experiencing. He became humble, and I dropped everything a couple of times and flew from Vrindavan to be with him."


I've seen people people dying of cancer too. They also showed humility. EVERYONE IS FORCED TO BOW DOWN at death.



"I think he really wanted me there and was emotionally dependant on me, as I was the only one offering any tangible solutions."


I think the Dad suddenly appreciated his son's knowledge and position along with the newfound humility.



"Nobody questioned my authority, and my mother just backed off and let me do anything. She is a Roman Catholic and doesn't usually allow me to speak about Krishna."


When it comes down to facing the real problems, nothing is better than KC.



I controlled everything that went into his mouth. I even started sprinkling Vrindaban dust in his water as well.


Love for sure.



Then Supersoul would answer. "Why?" He would say. "He will only offend again."


Everyone wants to cheat Krsna at death for sure: "I'll never do it again! If only… "



Then I held him tight for the next three hours, and he slowly gave up his life, through his mouth, peacefully with me chanting right in his ear and dripping Ganga and Jamuna water into his mouth. I stayed fully focused on chanting very close to his ear until he breathed his last, at 6 am.





I don't usually put pen to paper, as I don't feel at all qualified to do so, but mother Radha Kunda Devi Dasi encouraged me and said that this experience should be shared with all the devotees.


It is a grave story and should have a sobering effect on the reader… unless he's a fool!



I was thinking myself to be the big hero, going to save my father, only to find that I'm just a big bag of hot air— zero. I am such a fallen rascal that I couldn't help him in his hour of need…


Yes. We can't really help each other. We can only help Krsna help them.


As far as personally intervening on your family's account, that is shown by Prahlada Maharaja.



Now who can think of Krsna under those circumstances? Better not to see them. If you do, it's probably too late!


I could be wrong. Perhaps there are more Ajamila stories.

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Scared me half to death thinking how if you are sinful, you are confronted with these demonic personalities.


When my Grandad was about to clip it, I saw him imitating chanting Japa, I wasn't sure what to make of it, he must have been doing some coma-japa. He was a nice person by everybodys standard, you know, but devotion to God?


Maybe maybe not, I cannot say for sure.

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My grandmother recently passed away, and during the time before her death she would talk to her parents (they have been dead for a very long time). She would always ask "when are my mom and dad coming back to pick me up?" Really, I am looking foreward to death, hopefully the Lord will finally come to me. Her parents are the people she missed most in life, especially her mom. But for me it is my Venu Gopala, and I'm sure he will come when the time comes.


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Reading about near death experiences can give a glimpse if not the whole story of what happens at death. Most sound very positive but then the ones that aren't don't usually get reported. Who wants to talk about how they were being drug off to hell.


This one man did though. Howard Storm went into his NDE as an atheist and came back a theist. the story turns out well but didn't start out that way.


Click the next at the bottom , it runs 3 or 4 pages.



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"To see the Yamadutas, or the carriers of order of Yamaraja, superintendent of death, to see face to face...


At the time of death, when one very sinful man is dying,

he sees the Yamaraja or the order carriers of Yamaraja. They are very fierce looking.


Sometimes the man on the deathbed becomes very much fearful, cries, 'Save me, save me.' "


— Srimad Bhagavatam lecture, Denver, July 2, 1975

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In the purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.7:


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"The Yamadutas had considered only the external situation of Ajamila. Since he was extremely sinful throughout his life, they thought he should be taken to Yamaraja and did not know that he had become free from the reactions of all his sins. The Visnudutas therefore instructed that because he had chanted the four syllables of the name Narayana at the time of his death, he was freed from all sinful reactions."

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We all face various problems in life. Like others, I also have faced many problems. But I never felt helpless due to those problems. There is only one case when I feel utterly helpless. That is when I find that somebody is going to die. There have been a few cases when a person came to know that he will not live for long. He begged people around him to save him somehow. I was also near by. I wished very strongly that I could do something for him, but I could not.


It may seem as a very bitter truth but it is truth nonetheless that money, education, position in society, one's post etc. completely fail in front of death.


I know that this is eternal truth and therefore I should not worry about it. But the problem is that I do worry and feel utter helplessness when I find somebody begging others to save him and I am just a mute spectator.

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Who wants to talk about how they were being drug off to hell.



And I suspect not many people get to come back once the Yamaduttas are there pulling them out.


The NDEs may not be death (obviously they aren't or the person would be dead). They may just be the subtle body leaving the physical body for a period of time due to a weakened physical state.

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Hayagriva dasa: So there is harmony in the beginning, middle, and end?


Srila Prabhupada: Everything is in harmony, be it material or spiritual. that is God's law.


Hayagriva dasa: If everything is always in harmony, evolution has an incidental meaning.


Srila Prabhupada: This is harmony: One is an aquatic, then an insect, then a plant, then a tree, and so on up to the body of a human being. change is there, but there is harmony. Once one has attained a human body, he can decide whether or not to stop this evolutionary process, or to remain in it. If one accepts the instructions of Krsna, he can put an end to this bothersome evolution. If not, he remains. This is the version of Bhagavad - gita:


asraddadhanah purusa

dharmasyasya parantapa

aprapya mam nivartante



“Those who are not faithful in this devotional service cannot attain Me, O conqueror of enemies. Therefore they return to the path of birth and death in this material world.” (Bg. 9.3) By following Krsna's instructions, we can become completely detached from the cycle of birth and death.

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And I suspect not many people get to come back once the Yamaduttas are there pulling them out.



Yeah, I get the inpression they don't come just to chat.



The NDEs may not be death (obviously they aren't or the person would be dead). They may just be the subtle body leaving the physical body for a period of time due to a weakened physical state.



Yes. Also maybe those people are getting the grace of a little wake up call. Kinda like showing a school child the ruler and telling them they have one chance before they get swatted. Strike a little fear with hopes to reform. As if rebirth isn't scary enough.





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Is it me? Or is it my body? My subtle body? My old body? The various ages of my body when I committed trespasses?


It sounds like the punishment is geared towards the physical body. Maybe if I am unattached to it then the hounds of hell will leave me alone anyway?


If we haven't corrected the character flaws that led to our evil acts by learning from their karmic reactions, then perhaps with intelligence we can assess our misgivings and genuinely repent, thereby changing our flawed character. I think we definitely want to avoid these noble servants of Yamaraja as we leave this body.


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Thank you for this posting. I just found out 3 days ago my oldest brother has cancer. He is 55. Its the same cancer that took my mother & aunt, hereditary, and comes sooner with each generation. I am 49. He is a Christian Pastor. I too fell apart the other day in tears. Thought I was detached enough to handle it but I think I was partly sad because he doesn't know about Krishna & they won't even return my call or acknowledge e-mails. Would he go to some kind of Jesus-loka? Is it true that Prabhupad said, "when you get to there, then they will tell you about Krishna?."

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I truly believe that yes, if he can remember Jesus at the time of his death he will go to Jesus.


Take the story of the rich man:


A rich man was on the point of death. He was a miser, and hard-hearted and loved only one thing in the world- his son,



At the moment of his death the old man was in great pain and called out for his son to help him


"Naryana! Narayana!"


And Sriman Narayana came to rescue him.


Even though he was calling out to his son, the Lord came to him on a technicality. The heart of the lord is soft like butter, and if He hears someone calling out His name with such love, He cannot help but come to him.


The Lord of Love will come to your brother, perhaps in the form of Jesus, but surely even if he must be reborn, Sriman Narayana will remember your brother's love of "Jesus" and lead him to godhead.


With Much Love


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Those who have faith in Jesus will be blessed for whatever faith in God they have. Each of us have so many defects in life, but Krishna sees the good we have done. The soul is eternal and will get a chance to continue its search for God (Krishna) in the next life.


In one lecture Srila Prabhupada says this entire material world is a place of dirt and darkness, that is the standard; so Krishna is not looking for our dirt. He is seeing only the little bit of light in us that makes us stand out from the rest of the material darkness.


Everyone of us has defects in some form or another, so it is no great thing to be able to point out the flaws in those around us. But we should remember Krishna sees only the devotion in their hearts and may bless those whom we may think aren't qualified for it.


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If we haven't corrected the character flaws that led to our evil acts by learning from their karmic reactions, then perhaps with intelligence we can assess our misgivings and genuinely repent, thereby changing our flawed character. I think we definitely want to avoid these noble servants of Yamaraja as we leave this body.






















jaya jaya sri-caitanya patita-pavana


jaya nityananda-prabhu anatha-tarana


All glories, all glories to Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the deliverer of all the fallen soul! All glories to Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the divine saviour of those who are lost and helpless in this world!




jaya jayadvaita-candra krpar-sagar


jaya rupa-sanatana, jaya gadadhar


All Glories to Srimad Advait Acarya, Who is just like an unfathomable ocean of causeless mercy! All glories to Srila Rupa Gosvami, Srila Sanatana Gosvami, and to Sri Gadadhara Pandita!




sri-jiva gopala-bhatta raghunatha-dvoy


jaya braja-dhamabasi baisnaba-nicoy


All glories to all the multitudes of Vaisnavas who are residing in the holy abode of Vraja-dhama, headed by Srila Jiva Gosvami, Srila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami!




jaya jaya navadvipa-basi bhakta-gana


sabe mili' krpa more koro' bitarana


All glories to all the devotes of The Lord who live in Sri Navadvipa-dhama! I beg all of you together to kindly bestow your combined mercy upon me.




nikhila baisnaba-jana doya prakasiya


sri-jahnava-pade more rakhaha taniya


I pray to all you assembled Vaisnavas throughout the entire universe to please show your compassion by attracting me to the shade of the lotus feet of Sri Jahnava Devi, my eternal shelter and the very pleasure potency of Sri Nityananda Prabhu.






ami to' durbhaga ati, baisnaba na cini


more krpa koribena baisnaba apani


I am certainly most unfortunate, for I cannot realize who is actually a Vaisnava. Therefore I beg that, if any real Vaisnavas hear my prayer, then please be merciful to me.




sri-guru-carane more bhakti koro' dana


je carana-bale pai tattver sandhana


Please bestow upon me devotional service to the lotus feet of Sri Gurudeva. Simply by the strength of those feet I can find a clue of the real transcendental truth.




brahmana sakala kori' krpa mor prati


baisnaba-carane more deho drdhamati


I pray to all of the bona-fide brahmanas to please show your favor to me by giving me firm devotional determination unto the lotus feet of Vaisnavas.




ucca nica sarva-jiba carane sarane


loilama ami dina hina akincana


Thus I have taken shelter at the feet of all the jiva souls, whether they are highly elevated or even if they are very low-born, for in truth I am actually the most fallen soul, very lowly and insignificant.




sakale koriya krpa deho' more bar


baisnabe koruna ei granther adar


All of you Vainsavas, being very merciful towards me, kindly bless me with the following boon: I pray that all of you will show your soft-hearted compassion by respecting and appreciating what this book has to say.






grantha-dvara baisnaba-janer krpa pai


baisnaba-krpay krsna--labha hoy bhai


If all the devotees thus appreciate this book, then I will receive the causeless mercy that they will shower upon me. Oh brothers! And by the mercy of all these Vaisnavas, I will attain devotion to the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna.




baisnaba-bimukha ja're, tahar jibana


nirathaka jano' bhai, prasiddha bacana


My dear friends! Know it for certain that the life of a person who is averse to any Vaisnava is lived meaninglessly, without any purpose at all. Indeed, this is known throughout all the land.




sri-baikuntha-dhame ache nihsreya bana


tahe sobha pay kalpa-taru aganana


In the transcendental realm of Sri Vaikuntha-dhama there is a forest of the supreme perfection of life. Existing beautifully within that transcendental forest are innumerable wish-fulfilling desire-trees.




taha-majhe e kalyan-kalpa-taru-raja


nitya-kala nitya-dhame korena biraja


Amongst all the desire-trees within this transcendental forest, there stands out one special tree, which is actually the King of them all. This one is named "the Desire-tree of Auspiciousness", and it conspicuously exists here within the eternal abode for all of time.




skhandha-troy ache ta'r apurva darsana


upadesa, upalabdhi, ucchvasa ganana


What a wonderful sight is this special desire-tree, as it stands with it' s three-fold trunk! These three divisions branch out as "Upadesa" (spiritual advice), "Upalabdhi" (attainment of realization) and "Ucchvasa" (overflowing spiritual emotions).






subhakti-prasuna tahe ati sobha pay


`kalian' namaka phal aganana tay


This tree is very beautifully decorated with flower blossoms of especially sweet devotional service. Plus there are innumerable fruits which are named `kalyan' (auspiciousness).




je sujana e bitapi korena asroy


krsna-seva-su-kalyan-phal tanra hoy


Any honest or noble person who sincerely takes shelter of this transcendental tree get to taste these fruits of special, supreme auspiciousness, which is devotional service to Lord Krsna.




sri-guru-carana-krpa-samarthya labhiya


e-heno apurva brksa dilam aniya


By utilizing the strength that I am obtaining from the mercy of the lotus feet of Sri Gurudeva, I have now brought this wonderful Desire-tree of Auspiciousness here.




taniya anite brksa e karkasa mana


nasilo ihara sobha, suno, sadhu-jana


Oh honest and noble persons! Please hear what has happened now. When I brought the tree here, I have pulled it forcibly and handled it very roughly due to my harsh mentality; therefore it has now lost it's original splendrous beauty.




tomara sakale hao e brkser mali


sraddha-bari diya punah koro' rupasali


Now I wish that all of you should become the gardeners of this transcendental tree and, by regularly watering it with your faith and devotion, make it beautiful again.






phalibe kalya-phal-jugala-sevana


koribo sakale mili' taha asvadana


By pouring the water of your faith, the fruits of asuspiciousness will fructify into eternal service to the Divine Couple Sri-Sri-Radha-Krsna, which all of us together will taste and relish.






nrtya kori' hari bolo', khao seva-phal


bhakti-bale koro' dura kutarka-anal


Just eat all these sweet fruits of conjugal service while dancing and chanting the holy names! And on the strength of this devotional service, please extinguish the blazing forest fire of all the useless arguments that I will now begin to describe one by one in the first chapter of this book.




(The Desire-tree of Auspiciousness)







--- 19 songs ---




Introduction: Siksa and Diksa Gurus






diksa-guru-krpa kori mantra-upadesa


koriya dekhan krsna-tattver nirdesa


The initiating spiritual master shows his causeless mercy by giving his disciples instructions in chanting the hari-nama mantra. By so doing he points the disciples towards the direction of the truths pertaining to the Supreme Lord Sri krsna.






siksa-guru-brnda krpa koriya apar


sadhake sikhan sadhaner anga-sar


But I consider the numerous instructing spiritual masters to be more important, for they show unlimitedly more mercy by training the neophyte devotees in all the essential aspects of practical, regulative devotional service (sadhana-bhakti).






siksa-guru-gana-pade koriya pranati


upadesa-mala boli nija manah-prati


Therefore, offering my prostrated obeisances unto the lotus feet of all instructing spiritual masters, I will now narrate this garland of different types of spiritual advice, which will all be directed towards my own mind.








mana re, keno miche bhajicho asar?


bhutha-maya e sansar, jiber paksete char,


amangala-samudra apar


Oh my dear mind, please tell me why you uselessly adore and worship such false things in this world? This material world is simply composed of five gross elements: earth, water, fire, air & ether, but the pure spirit soul somehow wants to keep himself in a most degraded condition of abject ruination by remaining within this unfathomable ocean of inauspiciousness.




bhutatita suddha-jiba, niranjana sadasiba,


mayatita premer adhar


taba suddha-satta tai, e jada-jagate bhai,


keno mugdha hao bar bar?


The spirit soul actually lives beyond these five gross elements, and he is always spotlessly pure, devoid of material designations, and abounds in auspicious spiritual happiness. He is certainly a fit receptacle for pure love of Godhead, which is beyond the range of maya's illusions. Oh my dear mind, my dear friend! You are meant to be situated in pure transcendental existence as pure spirit soul, so I ask you now - why do you become enchanted and captivated again and again within this dull material universe?




phire dekho eka-bara, atma amrter dharo,


ta'te buddhi ucita tomar


tumi atma-rupi ho'ye sri-caitanya-samasraye,


brndabane thako anibar


Just become a little introspective for once, and try to keep in mind the fact that pure spirit soul is actually eternal and full of nectar. Such intelligent judgements are quite befitting you. Reassuming your real form as pure soul, just remain always in Vrndavana under the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.




nitya-kala sakhi-sange, parananda-seba-range,


jugala-bhajana koro' sar


e heno jugala-dhana, chare jei murkha jana,


ta'ra gati nahi dekhi ar


Make the worship of the Divine Couple your only object of pursuit. And in the company of Their most dear cowherd girlfriends and maidservants, just perform transcendentally joyful service unto Their pastimes for all of eternity. I am not able to predict the destination of those foolish souls who dare to neglect such a treasure as this conjugal service.










mana, tumi bhalabasa kamer taranga


jada-kama parihari', suddha-kama seba kori',


bistaraho aprakrta ranga


My dear mind, you are so fondly attached to rolling to and fro upon the waves of lust. Abandoning your sensual material lust, just render service in pure spiritual lust and thus extend yourself into the realm of transcendentally uncommon pastimes.




anitya jadiya kama, santi-hina abisrama,


nahi tahe pipasar bhanga


kamer samagri cao, tabu taha nahi pao,


paileo chare taba sanga


It is not possible to quench the thirst of this temporary mundane lust, for it's nature is to continuously create a disturbing situation. Although you desire the things associated with lust, still you can not always get them. And even if you do get the things you lust after, you cannot keep them, for such temporary things will give up your company very soon.




tumi seba koro' ja're, se toma' bhajite nare,


dukha jwale binoder anga


charo tabe micha-kama, hao tumi satya-kama,


bhajo vrndavaner ananga


janhar kusuma-sare, taba nitya-kalebare,


byapt ha'be prema antaranga


My dear mind, you faithfully render service to this mundane lust, but I see that it actually cannot give you anything substantial; rather, it simply burns my entire body with miserable dissatisfaction. So then just give up all your false material lust and just accept the true, spiritual lust by worshiping the Cupid of Vrndavana. The He will shoot your spiritual body full of His flower arrow, and you will thereby become filled to the brim with eternal ecstatic love for Him.








mana re, tumi bara sandigdha-antar


asiyacho e samsare, baddha ho'ye jaradhare,


jarasakta ho'le nirantar


My dear mind, you are most suspicious and doubtful at heart. Having come into this material world, and becoming conditioned within the prison cell of this dull material body, you have become stupefied by being attached continuously to temporary external matter.




bhuliya avakiya dhama, sebi' jaragata kama,


jara bina na dekho apar


tomar tumitva jini, acchadita ho'ye tini,


lupta-praya deher bhitor


Mind, you are forgetting your own eternal home, and you are rendering faithful service to dull material lust. Thus you cannot perceive anything beyond the gross inanimate objects which are directly contacted by your senses. Your true nature as pure spirit soul has become covered over and remains hidden inside your body.




tumi to' jariya jnana, sada koritecho dhyana,


tahe srsti koro' caracar


e duhkha kohibo ka're, nitya-pati-parihari'


tuccha-tattve korile nirbhar


Dear mind, according to your materialistic knowledge and feeble enlightenment, you always meditate on so-called scientific subject matters, but all of that is simply limited to all the moving and non-moving things which are confined within the jurisdiction of this temporarily created universe. To whom shall I tell the story of my anguish? I have abandoned my eternal Father simply to rely on such an unsubstantial and insignificant reality.




nahi dekho' atma-tattva, chari dile suddha-sattva,


atma ho'te nile abasar


atma ache ki na ache, sandeha tomar kache,


krame krame pailo adar


My dear mind, you are not seeing the truth of the nature of the soul, and thus you have given up the natural pure goodness of your heart. You have put a stop to all spiritual activity by taking yourself far away from the soul. You always maintain the doubt "does the soul exist or not?", and thus in you so-called scientific meditations you gradually become more and more fond of such doubting.




eirupe krame krame, pariya jarer bhrame,


apana apani ho'le par


ebe katha rakho mor, nahi hao atma-cor,


sadhu-sanga koro' atahpar


My dear mind,in this way you are falling into the illusory mistakes of the insensitive world of matter, and thus your own real self has become transformed into an entirely different, false personality. Now just take heed of my advice, dear friend, and don't cheat your own soul in this way any longer, but from now on please keep yourself in the company of the devotees of the Lord.




baisnaber krpa-bale, sandeha jaibe ca'le,


tumi punah hoibe tomar


pa'be brndabana-dhama, sevibe sri radha-syama


pulakasru-moy kalebar


bhaktibinoder dhana, radha-krsna-sri-carana


tahe rati rahun nirantar


By the power of the Vaisnavas' compassion, then all of your doubts will be long gone, and your soul will become yours once again. You will attain the transcendental abode of Vrndavana, my dear mind, and there you will wait upon Radha-Syama in your eternal spiritual body which abounds in ecstatic shivering and torrents of joyful tears. Thus the real wealth of Bhaktivinoda is to keep continuous, intense absorption in the beautiful lotus feet of Sri Radha-Krsna.








mana, tumi barai pamara


tomar isvara hari, tanke keno parihari',


kama-marge bhajo' debantara?


My dear mind, you are certainly most vile and wicked. Your Lord is Sri Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So then why are you abandoning Him to worship the various demigods, following the path of lust?




parabrahma ek tattva, tanhate sanpiya sattva,


nista-gune koroho adar


ara jata deba-gana, misra-sattva aganana,


nija nija karyer iswar


The Supreme Lord is one absolute truth, above and beyond the Brahman effulgence. Therefore honor Him only with resolute determination, and completely dedicate the whole of your life unto Him. As far as all the innumerable demigods are concerned, their power and authority compared to His is only partial, for they are each the absolute controller of only one specific type of work within this material world's administrative department.




se-sabe sammana kori' bhajo' ekamatra hari,


jini sarva-iswar-iswar


maya janra chaya-sakti, tante aikantiki bhakti,


sadhi' kala kato' nirantar


Maintaining polite respect for all these demigods, worship only Lord Hari, for He si the only Supreme Controller of all these other small controllers. Incessantly pass your time, my dear mind, by arduously endeavoring for intense, single-minded devotional service unto Him, Whose total potency of maya is simply His insignificant shadow reflection.






mulete sincile jala, sakha-pallaber bala,


sire bari nahe karyakar


hari-bhakti ache janra, sarva-deba bandhu tanra,


bhakte sabe korena adar




binoda kohiche mana, radha-krsna-sri-carana,


bhajo bhajo bhajo nirantar


By pouring water on the root of the tree, all the branches and leaves become strong and healthy. It is useless to try to pour the water on the top part of the tree only. Similarly, all the demigods are the dear friend of one who has actual devotion to Hari. Indeed, they all show great honor and respect to the devotee of the Lord.


Now Bhaktivinoda is telling you, dear mind, just worship always, just worship ceaselessly, just worship eternally the divine lotus feet of Radha and Krsna.


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Prabhupada speaks of Jesus having his own planet Christ-loka.


Where does Prabhupada speak of this? (I would like to know) It raises some questions regarding the universality of religion... If every "faith" has its own "planet" for those who attained some state of perfection in their particular form of religion, then sectarianism would continue just as well in the afterlife. And is this "Christ-loka" situated somewhere amongst the Vaikuntha-lokas, or is it in an other realm, somewhere in Svarga? (the "material sky") Please clarify, if possible. Also within Christianity there are many different sects, such as Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Protestant, Latter Day Saints etcetera. Do they all have their own planet?


I do remember, however, that Prabhupada told to Tamal Krishna Goswami (I think it's mentioned in one of the latter's books) that he had a dream of "a planet where pious Muslims go after their death." Never heard of Christ-loka. Prabhupada also said Jesus Christ was a Vaisnava, so why would he have His own solitary planet then?

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some say SP refered to Brahmaloka when making this comment. most Vedic scholars think semitic religions worship Lord Brahma (the Creator of the Universe), and even see Jesus of Nazareth as incarnation of Brahma.


The only permanent planet outside (on the edge actually) Vaikuntha is the Shiva loka.

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So we shall discuss next meeting. Any question, you can ask. Hare Kåñëa. Yes?


Rukmiëé: Is there a Christ-loka?


Prabhupäda: Yes. Why not? There are innumerable lokas. Why not Christ-loka? [break]



koöiñv açeña-vasudhädi-vibhüti-bhinnam

tad brahma niçkalam anantam açeña-bhütaà

govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi

In the effulgence, bodily effulgence of Govinda, just like the sunshine is effulgence of the sun planet, similarly, Govinda’s planet, the original planet, which is called Goloka Våndävana, that is the original effulgence, light. And when that light is distributed there are innumerable universes created. Just like within the sunlight there are innumerable planets. So in each and every planet there are different kinds of living entities, so why not a planet belonging to Christ? There is no doubt about it. There must be. [break] The Fifth Canto of Çrémad-Bhägavatam, the description of different planets are there. [break]


From the Gospel of John where they are talking of Lord Jesus they describe Lord Brahma's activity in the matter of his being the secondary creator.


Like Narada asking Brahma if he worshipped someone superior because of his doing penace to learn to recreate, we should also ask Jesus about the Father that he worships and prays to.


No it wouldn't follow that every Christian sect would have there own satelite planet or something in heaven. Maybe here though where they all set up their own sectarian separatist congregations. Apparently sectarianists are exiled to down here. Not every person who claims to be a Christian will go to Jesus and his abode.


But think about it. If someone is fortunate enough to make it to Christ-loka what will they do there? Jesus will engage them in Krsna katha for their further elevation. That is all he is in to. Explaining and revealing the nature of the Supreme Lord to fallen souls.


But Christ has his servants active on many different levels and spheres throughout this universe. Some meet souls as they leave their bdies and help with the transition for instance. there is so much between here and Christloka and Krsna loka. So many varied ways to raise the universal population back towards Godhead.


I have wondered if NDExperiencers from India meet helpers who relate to them according to their own traditions and expectations. Curious about that.

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