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Expanding Universes

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Hayagriva dasa: Bergson sees the universe itself as expanding and evolving. He writes: “For the universe is not made but is being made continually. It is growing , perhaps indefinitely, by the addition of new worlds.”


Srila Prabhupada: Yes, the universes emanate from the breathing of Maha-Visnu. If we accept the fact that the universe is increasing, then universes may come out like particles and then begin to develop. We see that for everything material, there is a small beginning. when the living entity enters the womb, he is very small indeed. A banyan tree begins to grow from a small seed. This is the way of nature. It is a fact that the universe is increasing, but not perpetually. It increases to a certain extent, stops, dwindles, and vanishes.


Hayagriva dasa: Modern astronomers theorize that the universe is expanding and that the systems are exploding outward into space and moving proportionately further and further from one another, just like raisins expanding in dough when it is heated in the oven.


Srila Prabhupada: That expansion goes on to a certain extent. Then it stops.

Hayagriva dasa: But Bergson sees the universe as evolving toward some grand harmony.


Srila Prabhupada: What does he mean by grand harmony? Everything is increasing, and everything will eventually dwindle and be annihilated. That is the course of material nature, and the harmony is in this process.


Hayagriva dasa: In attempting to relate God to the universe, Bergson speaks of “a center from which worlds shoot out like rockets in a fireworks display.”


Srila Prabhupada: The creation is like a world rotating. There are spokes, and there is a rim. There is also a center around which everything revolves. Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate. “I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me.” (Bg. 10.8) That center is God, and all the parts are revolving around Him. In any case, the center remains where it is, and is always the same.


Syamasundara dasa: Bergson spoke of the world as “a machine for the making of gods.” In a sense, this world is a training ground wherein we can make ourselves immortal.


Srila Prabhupada: You are immortal already. You have just forgotten.


mamaivamso jiva-loke

jiva-bhutah sanatanah


prakrti-sthani karsati


“The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.” (Bg. 15.7) There is bewilderment, but no change. We are fixed as spirit soul. It is as if we are dreaming: “Oh, I have fallen into the Pacific Ocean. I am drowning. Save me!” We may dream so many troublesome things, but actually there is no Pacific Ocean, and we are not drowning. It is simply a dream. the temporary covering of the body is just like a dream, and as soon as you come to Krsna consciousness, you wake up. When you are awake, the dream has no value. However, when the dream is happening, you are thinking that it is real, but since it has no value, it is called maya. Maya means “that which has no real existence but appears to.”

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Yes, the universes emanate from the breathing of Maha-Visnu.


There is also a center around which everything revolves. ... That center is God, and all the parts are revolving around Him.


If we combine modern cosmology with this, then we can say that Maha Vishnu resides in a dimension other than the space dimensions that we are aware of. Or, it is also possible that He covers the space dimensions that we know, but He is also present in one or more of other dimensions. The center is in one of these other dimensions. So far, our three space dimensions are concerned, there is no center.


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One can go from one universe to another with different space and time by passing through a wormhole. A wormhole is a tunnel in space-time. Of course, this is not possible with current technology, but it is at least possible in theory.

A wormhole is found at the centre of a black hole.

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