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Who will attain higher consciousness?

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Syamasundara dasa: Will only certain individuals attain that higher consciousness, or will the whole world attain it?


Srila Prabhupada: That is a nonsensical question. sometimes rascals inquire, “Swamaji, if everyone becomes God conscious and goes back to Godhead, then who will remain here?” What is the meaning of such a nonsensical question? Why is a fool anxious for everyone? Why is he not anxious for himself? It is the same to ask, “If everyone is honest, then who will go to jail?” As if maintaining the jail is a very important business!

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When debating meat eating and animal slaughter on another board people often argue that if we stop slaughtering cows then what will the slaughter house workers do? Or we have to kill them or their would be too many cows running around. My favorite is the recent "Well if God didn't want us to eat animals then why did He make them taste like meat?" LOL I find the last one is still good for a belly laugh.

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