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Praying ....

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If i can get a taste for chanting the Holy Names

and get the blessings of the Vaisnavas...


Then there is hope that I can be a devotee of Lord Sri Krishna and His Beloved Consort some time soon.


Now here is a wonderful opportunity to do just that

To pray ,

down on the floor

with my body fully prostrated

calling out,


crying out for the Lord's causeless mercy,

"Hare Krishna"

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Srila Prabhupada vigorously preached Krsna consciousness in San Francisco in 1967. As a result, numerous articles appeared in the local press extolling the virtues of chanting Hare Krsna. For example, the following piece appeared on the front page of the Palo Alto Times:










There's a new dance about to sweep the country called the Swami. It's going to replace the frug, watusi, swim and even the good old barn stomp. Why? Because you can do any old step to it and at the same time find real happiness. You can rid yourself of the illusion that you and your body are inseparable.




Before the night was over, the audience of 250 was stomping, swinging and chanting to the beat of Indian instruments and the words of the holy Sanskrit Vedas, Hare Krishna, Hare Rama. They chanted this without interruption for seventy minutes."




Underneath the photograph of the students chanting and dancing, Srila Prabhupada typed the following words:




"Everyone joins in complete ecstacy when Swami Bhaktivedanta chants his hypnotic Hare Krishna."




(The Hare Krishna Explosion)


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"Personally, I have no hope for any direct service for the coming crores of births of the sojourn of my life, but I am confident that some day or other I shall be delivered from this mire of delusion in which I am at present so deeply sunk. Therefore let me with all my earnestness pray at the lotus feet of my divine master to allow me to suffer the lot for which I am destined due to my past misdoings, but to let me have this power of recollection: that I am nothing but a tiny servant of the Almighty Absolute Godhead, realized through the unflinching mercy of my divine master. Let me therefore bow down at his lotus feet with all the humility at my command."


Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja Offering, 1936

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