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What does the bhakti-lata (creeper of devotion)look like ?

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Among so many weeds, which one is the divine creeper of Bhakti-devi which will one day grow the most wonderful fruit of prema-bhakti?





Devotion to Sri Krishna grows like a creeper growing from a tiny seed. The soul seeking devotion to Krishna is like a gardener who sows the seed of love and splashes that seed with nourishing water,

in the form of hearing the Name of Krishna and chanting the Lord's Holy Name. The creeper of devotion springs a shoot and grows, piercing through this mundane sphere.


The growing creeper goes through the stream of Viraja, the energetic, flowing, unmanifest formless state of existence outside this universe. Then it grows further, and goes through the illuminated plane of Brahma, the white light of Spiritual bliss; until at last the creeper finally attains a home for herself in the soil of the infinite sphere called Paravyoma.

This Paravyoma atmosphere is sometimes called the kingdom of God. The creeper continues to grow in that Paravyoma atmosphere and reaches the limits of the higher sphere called Goloka-Vrindaban where she climbs and clings to the Purpose-Tree at the Feet of Sri Krishna.

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If one wants to make advancement in spiritual life, by great fortune he may meet a bona fide spiritual master and from him learn about Krsna. By serving both the spiritual master and Krsna he gets the seed of devotional service (bhakti-lata-bija), and if he sows the seed within his heart and waters it by hearing and chanting, it grows into a luxuriant bhakti-lata;, or bhakti creeper. The creeper is so strong that it penetrates the covering of the universe and reaches the spiritual world and continues to grow on and on until it reaches and takes shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna, just as an ordinary creeper also grows on and on until it takes a solid shelter on a roof; then it very steadily grows and produces the required fruit. The real cause of the growing of such fruit, which is here called the nectar of hearing the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is to water the creeper of devotional service by hearing and chanting. The purport is that one cannot live outside the society of devotees; one must live in the association of devotees, where there is constant chanting and hearing of the glories of the Lord. The Krsna consciousness movement is started for this purpose, so that hundreds of ISKCON centers may give people a chance to hear and chant, to accept the spiritual master and to disassociate themselves from persons who are materially interested, for in this way one can make solid advancement in going back home, back to Godhead.

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Perhaps each individual's creeper appears different according to the nature of their particular feeling of devotion to Krsna. No two alike?


Small and weak as it grows from a mixed condition of both material and slightly more spiritual desires, becoming stronger and more vibrant as its growth becomes steady and firm, until finnally it blossoms forth as the elegant flower of prema.


Perhaps it even changes according to our mood of the moment. One moment a blue lotus another a cluster of jasmine buds all for His pleasure.


Who can imagine from a position still under the soil. but its fun trying.

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I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord,

who is adept in playing on His flute,

with blooming eyes like lotus petals

with head decked with peacock’s feather,

with the figure of beauty

tinged with the hue of blue clouds,

and His unique loveliness charming millions of Cupids.


(Lord Brahma B.S., 5.30)

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