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Responsible for All Men

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Prabhupada usually talks about responsiblility of duty to others in so many ways… This is a little different…



Hayagriva dasa: Sartre believes that the task of existentialism is “to make every man aware of what he is and to make the full responsibility of his existence rest on him… And when we say that a man is responsible for himself, we do not only mean that he is responsible for hiw own individuality, but hat he is responsible for all men.”


Srila Prabhupada: Suppose I want to benefit you, and you are free. Your freedom means that you can accept or reject my good intentions. How can I be responsible for you if you don’t obey? How can you be responsible for me? Sarte claims that you are responsible for others, but if others do not follow your instructions, how can you be considered responsible? This is all contradictory. Unless there is some standard, there must be contradiction. According to the Vedic version, God is the Supreme Person, and we should all be His obedient servants. God gives us some duty, and we are responsible to carry that duty out. Our real responsibility is to God. If we reject God, society becomes chaotic. Religion means avoiding chaos and meeting our responsibility to God by fulfilling our duty. Responsibility rests on us, and it is given by God. If we make spiritual progress by fulfilling our duty, we can finally live with God personally.

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