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Fact of Psychoanalysis

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Syamasundara dasa: Yet by remembering some traumatic or shocking experience, our tensions are often relieved, and personality disorders rectified. This is a fact of psychoanalysis.


Srila Prabhupada: That may be, but when a seed has fructified and grown into a tree, it is no longer possible to rectify the seed. The seed is no longer there. It has changed into a tree. Freud may be able to find out the cause, but does he know the cure? Our cure is to divert the attention to Krsna. By understanding Krsna, we automatically forget our problems. Krsna is the panacea for all diseases.


Syamasundara dasa: Freud also investigated projection, that is attributing one’s own personality onto others. A man may regard others as a thief because he’s a thief himself.


Srila Prabhupada: We accept that. Ätmana manyate jagat. Everyone thinks others to be like himself.

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