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High School Reunion

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There is the verse in Srimad Bhagavatam which states that places of pilgrimage are the result of saintly souls appearing there. (Canto 1, Part Three, Chapter 19, Text 8).

While you may plea in humbleness that you are not a saint this verse also refers to "Great minds and thinkers" which I can attest you show the symtoms of. Go and give what you can. The persons we grew up with are somehow plucked from the countless trillions of souls in the universe so there must be some past connection (former family members, friends...even former foes.)

Go and give some chance for someone(s) to become as fortunate as you have been.

This was an instruction I received from one of my Siksha Gurus. I had offered some thanks to him for his guidance and kindness toward me. His response was:

"Please, simply do what ever you can to make others as fortunate as you feel you have become."


Gaura Haribol, Gaura Haribol, Nitai Gaura Haribol!

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They have this site in the Uk, you can check and see what your old school peoples are doing now, I mean not everybody is there as you gotto sign-up, but it amazing to see how people we thought would never become anything, now are better off even more than yourself. can't remember the site, but I spent hours {lol} looking at it.

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I finished high school sporting a sikha. Man that was wild. One Friday I leave with hair grown down my back and the next Monday I come in a sikha.


I figure I culture shocked their _sses but good. No one recognized me at first but they were too shocked to say anything. They just stared and kept ten paces back.LOL


Fair is fair. They had been doing that to me for several years.


gHari, may I suggest sikha, dhoti, tilak, beads and a Columbine Rules t-shirt with a black rain coat overlay? Don't forget the Doc Martins.

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Ol' gHari has never gotten zee sikha dew, ever, never. That will be his last coiff I'm sure.


If I go and I likely should, it will be simply neckbeads, although my Ratha Yatra Prabhupada and Nitai-Gaura t-shirt with Syamasundaras on each arm would be nice. We'll have to see how compassionate and magnanimous I am that day.


But really I think the God-thing is a soft-sell in that environment. After all, they're likely all into religion to some extent or other. But I will be chanting, quietly at least, of that we can be sure. I can't lose my job, so I have nothing to lose by a few well-placed profunditudes from ancient India here and there, now and then. Maybe we'll tell the gHari story - that's certain to be a best seller - The Transformation of Gary into gHari, or "JUST STOP - JUST DO IT - GET REAL", found on every coffee table in America.


I'll bet the old boys are still wondering what happened to that theistic Hare Krishna guy from high school. I can't even imagine a vaishnava showing up in high school. We were so sweet though, we would have gained great benefit. A few years after me, and they would have strung 'em up.


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I would love to see that!! I will have to remember this for myself (just sub the dhoti with a sari).


This is too funny...you obviously live in Berkeley!!


gHari, may I suggest sikha, dhoti, tilak, beads and a Columbine Rules t-shirt with a black rain coat overlay? Don't forget the Doc Martins.



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