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I want to forget my bloody past ,but I C'ANTpossibly! Can I?

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How can I forgive and forget?



God,how I wish I could simply forget my tormented bloody past. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

Especially ,if I can forgive and forget all those people who bullied ,abused and exploited me.If I don't ,then in a subtle way they continue to do so at every momoment of every day in my subtle mind. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

As a consequence, I am forced to relive these torments again and again in my subtle mind. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif


O the guilt,the shame and the hopeless denial that everything is alright when ,in fact ,it isn't! /images/graemlins/blush.gif


Do you see what kind of hell I have created for myself by not forgetting the past and not forgiving those who have trespassed against me? /images/graemlins/mad.gif


So ,what is best way out of this self-tormented hell? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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Valuable lessons. Couple ways to look at this that I can see. One is this process of playing the exploited and also the exploiter has been going on since time immemoriable. I suspect I have been,just in human form, a cannibal and cannibalized, raped and a rapist, murdered and a murderer,etc. as well as an altruist and a receipient of charity, a priest and a congregation member and on and on.


Where is it all now? I remember none of it. I think the reactions to it all just get buried in time and also carried along in our subtle bodies in the three phases of karma, pushing us into more and more entanglement.


This is what the chanting will pull us out of. We stop exploiting to the best of our abitity and replace that tendancy with karma/bhakti yoga and learn to offer the results to Krsna. The fan winds down. We learn to trust Him and surrender.


Then at some point along this path we awaken to find its all been a wild dream. We, the souls proper, were never subject to exploitation and nor were we able to exploit the soul proper of others. We just falsely identified with it similar to Ravanna thinking he had Sita to exploit.


This massive joke has been on us all along. And it will remain on us until we rise beyond the desire to exploit Krsna's other children, our brother and sister souls.


And when we do rise up this dream will seem less than a lightning flash caught in the corner of our eye.


The future is very very bright.


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I can say that while these old habits seem dead, now and then we still feel very remorseful about our past neglect of Krsna and the anxiety we have caused other jiva souls.


Certainly dwelling on our past flaws is not good, but perhaps in order to change we must become completely repentant, getting beyond shallow words and killing that false ego to death. If I am not fully cured of the faults to the depth of my being, then surely there will some karmic reaction at some point to effect the correction.


Of course, revisiting our old dirtbag personas is also an impetus to thank Sri Krsna for saving us. Just thinking about what we might be now without Him throws us into His arms.


We are very fortunate souls. We should never forget that.


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The problem is that we give to much importance to what others say about us. We may say that we do not care, but the fact is we do. If somebody says that we are not good at something, then even if we are good at that, we start thinking that we are not. We even let others decide what we should do with our lives. By giving undue importance to what others say, we ruin our own lives. I have learnt it from my own experience. But the day I decided that I am responsible for my own actions and decisions, my life took a much better course.

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  • 6 months later...

BG 13.32: Those with the vision of eternity can see that the imperishable soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature. Despite contact with the material body, O Arjuna, the soul neither does anything nor is entangled.


BG 13.33: The sky, due to its subtle nature, does not mix with anything, although it is all-pervading. Similarly, the soul situated in Brahman vision does not mix with the body, though situated in that body.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Srila Prabhupada is my guilty conscience. I do not want to acknowledge my wrongs. He coerces me to change my ways.Yes?:



<font color="red"> "When one is elevated to the platform of devotional service by the grace of the Lord and the spiritual master, one first regrets his past sinful activities. This helps one advance in spiritual life. The Visnudutas had given Ajamila the chance to become a pure devotee, and the duty of a pure devotee is to regret his past sinful activities in illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. Not only should one give up his past bad habits, but he must always regret his past sinful acts. This is the standard of pure devotion." </font color>




Quote from SB 6.2.27

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  • 4 weeks later...

BG 13.32: Those with the vision of eternity can see that the imperishable soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature. Despite contact with the material body, O Arjuna, the soul neither does anything nor is entangled.





Vision beyond and above

That which transcends time and space

I keep in touch with Brahman and Parabrahman thus:


Hare Krsna

Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna

Hare Hare

Hare Rama

Hare Rama

Rama Rama

Hare Hare


Well to be above the modes would be miraculous indeed - samadhi,mind fixed on Krsna.


I am not the doer

What can I as a tiny jiva soul actually do ???


I can dovetail my desire with the desire of Krsna (Or Krsna's rep:Sri Guru)


I desire to make my desire One with the desire of Sri Guru


Mind, words and body used up completely in His divine service.


If 'I' am able to do this by Krsna's grace

then I'll be hearing Bhagavad Gita at every step, tasting the beauty of Krsna Consciousness

in the eternal here and now.




BG 13.33: The sky, due to its subtle nature, does not mix with anything, although it is all-pervading. Similarly, the soul situated in Brahman vision does not mix with the body, though situated in that body.




Sky Consciousness


Subtle Deep & Transcendent

Everwhere present yet not mixing with anything


As the soul situated in soul vision

drives this body as driver and not propriotor


In the body but not of it.


Walk Krsna's Talk

Think Krsna's Words

Eat Krsna's Remanants

Speak Krsna's Philosophy

Breathe Krsna's Ether

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"When one is elevated to the platform of devotional service by the grace of the Lord and the spiritual master, one first regrets his past sinful activities. This helps one advance in spiritual life. The Visnudutas had given Ajamila the chance to become a pure devotee, and the duty of a pure devotee is to regret his past sinful activities in illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. Not only should one give up his past bad habits, but he must always regret his past sinful acts. This is the standard of pure devotion."



This is what the Christians mean by repentance. To really break down and feel and confess our shame before the Lord. Repentance means to go the other way, to change our life's direction, our very motives.


I have come to see that I have not crossed this threshold yet. I try to substitute using the vedabase to offer quotes and appear knowledgeable but until I feel truly repentant of my turning away from Krsna since time immemorial and trying to exploit others in so many ways then I feel my spiritual life has not really begun.



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Main Entry: 1re·pent

Pronunciation: ri-'pent

Function: verb

Etymology: Middle English, from Old French repentir, from re- + pentir to be sorry, from Latin paenitEre -- more at PENITENT

intransitive senses

1 : to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life

2 a : to feel regret or contrition b : to change one's mind

transitive senses

1 : to cause to feel regret or contrition

2 : to feel sorrow, regret, or contrition for


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My pain and suffering

Lord, I am suffering in this way.


O Lord, You alone know everything about me.

Still for the purpose of purification You wish to elicit this story from my heart

and not only fom my lips.


This is my story,

But if I fully and unconditionally surrender to You...

it will become 'Your' story, i.e.,I will become your property.


'My karma' will cease to exist.


The entangling web of illusion destroyed,

a spirit soul who can then freely serve your divine lotus feet

and be forever free from the fetters of the'my story concept'.


When will that day be mine?


krsna das





Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Jive Doya Kori


Introductory song to the Saranagati


by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura




Out of compassion for the fallen souls,

Sri Krisna Caitanya came to this world with His personal associates and divine abode to teach saranagati,

surrender to the almighty Godhead,

and to freely distribute ecstatic love of God,

which is ordinarily very difficult to obtain.

This saranagati is the very life of the true devotee.


The ways of saranagati are humility,

dedication of the self,

acceptance of the Lord as one’s only maintainer,

faith that Krishna will surely protect,

execution of only those acts favorable to pure devotion, and renunciation of conduct adverse to pure devotion.


The youthful son of Nanda Maharaja, Sri Krishna,

hears the prayers of anyone who takes refuge in Him by this six-fold practice.


Bhaktivinoda places a straw between his teeth,

prostrates himself before the two Goswamis,

Sri Rupa and Sri Sanatana,

and clasps their lotus feet with his hands.

“I am certainly the lowest of men.”

he tells them weeping,

“but please make me the best of men

by teaching me the ways of saranagati”




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