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I didn't read your post. I've read almost nothing of you lately.


I'm just not reading you anymore. I know what you are and I'm not buying what you sell. (I also think you're an over-rated salesman).


There's no peace between us because you won't leave me alone. And you complain I'm the bad guy… Kinda' like the "American" peace and the Third World Order.


If I don't see more participation from devotees here, I'm gonna just not bother checking in. Then you can talk to yourself in all your mutations.


(You're already not talking to me because I ain't buy'in).


I can justify my feelings. I can recall events quite empirically. I'm just not interested in waht you think - or what anyone else really thinks.


No one wants to help Krsna? H_ll with 'em.


But future revenge is another matter. Perhaps later, CHUmP. But probably not; you're not worth my time. I'm already feeling that. But IF I have A WHOLE LOTTA cash to spare, it might be fun to hunt you. /images/graemlins/smile.gif But I won't be so incompetent.


Well, nevermind. I'm sure I'll never get that bored. There's lot's to do with bigger fish… huh? I'll predict this with certainty: I get rich and the face of this world will change.


Any rich men out there willing to start me off? Should be good for a laugh! You know… watch the low class handle money (the new religion). Satisfaction (or entertainment value) guaranteed… not to mention double moeny back… CALL IT a loan… CALL IT investigation. CALL IT whatever you want.


Fighting is done between equal partners. Even the odds… still in your favor of coarse… and let's tango!


(It's all fun Govindaram. I don't take this post serious… except for not liking you).

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I'm not a devotee.


I need to mix with nice devotees, who can ELEVATE me.


I don't know why I talk to you, guess I was just trying to be friendly, you need to associate with devotees on a higher level than yourself, I am not one of those people.


Bye, haribol/.

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They were speaking about the moon landing(or supposed)


Gurukåpä: But we saw the television. They showed on the television.

Prabhupäda: No. Television could not show that. You can arrange in the laboratory such television, cheat others.



That's all I could find.

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Hare Krsna,


Maybe/maybe not, I don't care for anything, right now.


I will from now associate with devotees of like-mind, no arguments about Ritviks etc, stop trying to be Guru. I am actually sick of myself, life in general hardly anybody cares for me, when your rejected by devotees, then the problem must lie in myself. Thats what I need to work on.


I have no qualifications to be a devotee, but I have to try, Prabhupada's words, all his lectures I have heard, they have put faith in me, I don't and shouldn't be here, I mean what do I know, how many posts have I done? This is not sentimental its the truth, but who cares right?


All this posting is giving me a headache, who do I think I am? Some preacher? I couldn't preach to save my life, I should leave it to the experts, I don't know squat.


~~~Disciple means Discipline~~



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Ram Ram, we are only obliged to listen to Krsna.


Krsna is your best friend. This fellow has said over and over again that he doesn't like you. You will never get Krsna from him.


It is far more significant that I am your friend than that he is not your friend. He is not even my friend. So who is he?


We are only obliged to listen to Krsna. He is our friend, "the most dear friend". [<a href=http://bhagavadgitaasitis.com/9/18/en>BG 9.18</A>]




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Arjuna in BG 11.41-44:<blockquote>Thinking of You as my friend, I have rashly addressed You "O KRSNa,O YAdava,O my friend," not knowing Your glories.


Please forgive whatever I may have done in madness or in love. I have dishonored You many times, jesting as we relaxed, lay on the same bed, or sat or ate together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends.


O infallible one, please excuse me for all those offenses.


You are the father of this complete cosmic manifestation, of the moving and the nonmoving. You are its worshipable chief, the supreme spiritual master.


No one is equal to You, nor can anyone be one with You. How then could there be anyone greater than You within the three worlds, O Lord of immeasurable power?


You are the Supreme Lord, to be worshiped by every living being. Thus I fall down to offer You my respectful obeisances and ask Your mercy.


As a father tolerates the impudence of his son, or a friend tolerates the impertinence of a friend, or a wife tolerates the familiarity of her partner, please tolerate the wrongs I may have done You.</blockquote>

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I've been reading up on Bhagavatam, not neglecting Gita, but anything new always taste sweet, The Purports of SB are truly amazing, I worte down notes, which I may post here, if thats ok, actaully I may do it now, I am such a show off lol, I hope I get some tips, this note taking is driving my memory to new heights!


Ps. I am not participating in forums much, got to get rid of my guru 'persono' .

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