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That Transcendental Urge

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When you take a cunch of neurons firing, that not really consciousness; especially higher consciousness.


So granting that's true and it's obvious, then the difficulty is where do we go from there? Simply accept as a propetual problem that the most fundamental reality for all of us - our own consciousness - cannot be understood scientifically? Of coarse some things can be treated scientifically. I don't deny that psychology for example can treat some aspects of science scientifically, but when we get into the highest realms… In other words, whn consciousness attempts to transcend the limitations of ordinary physical reality… and of coarse throughout history, religionists and philosophers and poets and so on have thought they were experiencing somethig and have described something which offers the man at least the hope and vision of a greater reality… which man can participate in the infinite, can someone become immortal… and now gain a vast understanding of these beyond his own limited physical world.


So certainly that's a very attractive offer. Even science has become enchanted by that prospect… because if you go to Disney World, Epcot… I never have, but… I know in Epcot they come up with this big propaganda, uh what science is gonna do for you. And you know it includes such super things like immortality and omniscience and all kinds of amazing things which religion used to offer.


So whether it's Epcot or Bible or Krsna, man cannot resist that urge or that calling…



… what has happened is that these great dreams of humanity are being more or less admisnistrated or governed by irrational people - on both ends; irrational scientists who make wild assertions about the big bang and this and that and even evolution when they don't have the slightest idea what really happened; and on the other hand are what I would call irrational, unphilosophical fanatical religionists who also make claims.


And so there's no middle ground of a rational and systematic approach to things which are not physical.

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