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New discussion groups created

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New Discussion Groups

From Kalavati devi dasi

Posted May 26, 2004


Dear Vaisnavas,


Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.


I have recently created the following discussion groups on .


Vaisnava Family and Community Conference

"Building Healthy Relationships in Krishna Consciousness"




Vaisnava Attachment Parenting Association




Vaisnava Breastfeeding Support Service



Thanks and appreciation from dipika.org to our sponsor and host,



Vaisnava Homeschoolers




Vaisnava Ecologists



I offer these discussion forums in service to the community of devotees. My prayer is that these groups will facilitate positive, progressive communication that will serve us all in our journey toward Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.


I believe that if we understand how much influence each of us has on the experiences of our children, our families, our communities, and the world, we will feel empowered to make positive changes. If we realize that our every action sends waves out into the ocean of life, we will be inspired to try to make those waves sweet and plentiful. If we continue to learn and grow in our practice of Krishna Consciousness so that we can be healthy and confident, we will be able to share Krishna Consciousness in a substantial way with all living entities.


I feel blessed to have the association that has started to develop on these new lists. I hope you will join us in these talks as we explore various issues related to the groups' topics. Please visit us. Feel free to join any or all of the lists and share this information with your friends who may be interested.


Thank you.


[Note: Each group is moderated for new members. The Vaisnava Breastfeeding Support Service is for women only.]


Your servant,

Kalavati devi dasi

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