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*Notes on Srimad Bhagavatam

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Hare Krsna


These are actual notes, taken As they are,

Please tell me what I should do more, to improve,

Any tips at all will be helpful, Hearing! you.



1.5.22- Everything is amanating from Krsna,

Q. From the energy, are more energies emanating?


1.5.24- Gaura says 3 subjects in Vedas

1. Establish relation with Krsna

2. Perform regulative principles of devotional service

3. Thus achieve goal (ultimate) Back To Godhead

Previous life son of a maid servant- The boy became self-disciplined, essential to make progress in line of Bhakti-Yoga.

Thus to take initiation you have to be nice, before & after. Varna system is therefore essential. Quote 'But before the initiation, he (the boy) became more and more advanced in discipline, which is very essential for one who wishes to make progress in this line.'


1.5.25-Sins/obstacles on the Path of Bhakti-yoga, so less sinful more attraction there is a 'catch'-assocaition of PURE DEVOTEES REMOVES obstacles on the Path of Bhakti {devotional service}


1.5.26- hearing mundane things as pose to krishna-katha, krishna-katha gives spiritual sucess, mundane things one becomes addicted to 3 qualities of mundane nature. hearing is important on all levels, by which one becomes more and more attracted to Krsna.


1.5.27- hearing is given utmost importance again, Naradamuni gained attraction for the lord simply by hearing.

gross and subtle bodies are emanating from Personality of Godhead.

gross-body- temple worship-obeisances,cleaning

subtle mind -hearing-chanting etc


1.5.28-Trancendental loving service is natural inclination of the soul-living being, instinct is there, ignorance/passion cover this instinct, so seems important to rise above these modes. by hearing from Pure Devotees devotional service takes place.

Q. Why is devotional service compared to a river?


1.5.29- Serve the pure devotee, strictly follow his advice/intructions, to serve this way is to show you desire to achieve success even in the existing duration of life. (faithfully serve)- serving sins eradicated, become sinless=attraction for krsna, and devotional service.


1.5.30- Gita can be understood only by devotees, Instruction of the lord can only be understood bt devotees, so in other word you need to hear from a pure devotee! hearing is given importance again.


1.5.31- You can understand krsna energies by reading most confidential knowledge or devotional service, which it appears is same? must be!

by following Naradamuni you can become KC.


1.5.32- Engage Lakmi (money) in Krsna service, after all Lakmi is Krsna or Narayana's, they be happy-) Perfect! If you can't HEAR Krsna-Katha, all the time engage works in Krsna service i.e sceintist,-establish Supremacy of the lord, don't decry Him,

quote ' Try to engage Lakmi in the service of Lord Narayana and be happy'.


1.5.33- Quote 'He can convert spirit into matter and matter into spirit. Therefore a material thing (so-called) is at once turned into a spiritual force by the great will of the Lord.'

Q. Does this mean everything is spiritual? If matter is used in Krsna service then its perfect, and we can elevate ourselves that way, thus we can realise Krsna, still this world is 'temp' so no point making plans to stay here, use in Krsna service and go Back to Godhead!!!

That is way to treat material diseace.



That's is so far, hope you liked it!

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