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Just like a fan switched off may move for a little while but it will not go on moving

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His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


Devotee 1: Sometimes devotees think that when Lord Kapila teaches in the Srimad Bhagavatam that there is devotional service in ignorance, in passion, and in goodness, that it may also mean your own disciples. But then some other devotees say “No, we’re above that designation. It’s not mixed devotional service, even though we’re neophytes.”


Prabhupada: If you voluntarily do not follow, then you fall down. That is in ignorance.


Devotee 2: So in the third canto, part four, where it is described about devotional service in ignorance, passion, goodness, and so forth, that has nothing to do with your disciples then?


Prabhupada: Who is my disciple? First of all, let him strictly follow the disciplined rules.


Devotee 2: As long as one is following, then he is...


Prabhupada: Then he is all right.


Devotee 2: He is above those lower levels?


Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Otherwise, why is there a need of regulative principles? He is immediately liberated. If he thinks that, “Because I have taken to [Krishna consciousness], I am liberated,” then why the rules and regulations?


Devotee 2: But as long as he follows the rules and regulations. He comes to the brahma-bhuta platform, brahma-bhuta prasannatma, immediately?


Prabhupada: Yes. In Bhagavad-gita it is said, mam ca yo ‘vyabhicerena bhakti-yogena sevate — if one performs unalloyed devotional service then he is liberated [bg. 14.26]. If his service is not avyabhicarena, but vyabhicerena — sometimes he falls down — then it is within sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna. Krishna says, mam; ca ya avyabhicarena bhakti-yogena — pure bhakti.


Devotee 2: Fall-down means deviation from the orders of the spiritual master.


Prabhupada: Yes, that is vyabhicarna, that is not avyabhicerena. If you are subjected to the attraction of maya, that is vyabhicarena.


Devotee 2: If somebody is following the instructions, but there’s attraction for maya...


Prabhupada: That cannot be. Maybe in the beginning due to past habits, but that must be nil very soon. Otherwise, he is not following. Just like a fan switched off may move for a little while, but it will not go on moving. If the switch is off, it must stop. And if it is still moving then it means that the switch is not off yet.


— Morning walk conversation, 13 June 1976, Detroit.

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