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Are you still surfing?

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Govinda dasi


Sometimes when sitting on the beach blanket in New Jersey, Srila Prabhupada would look out at the waves while chanting japa. He was very beautiful and serene, always absorbed in Krsna, yet also carefully scrutinizing the world around him. On some days there were big waves and surfer boys would be out, swimming and surfing in the waves. Srila Prabhupada watched with great interest as they mounted their boards and slid down the faces of the waves. He asked us: “What is this?” And Gaurasundara and I replied that this is a sport called “surfing” wherein one mounts a board and slides swiftly on the water as the waves roll in. Srila Prabhupada watched intently for some time, then began to chuckle. He said: “You call it surfing, I call it suffering. They are simply wasting their valuable human form of life by jumping in the ocean waves. They have no idea what will happen next. If they become so much fond of remaining on the ocean, then Krsna is very kind: he will satisfy their desire and give them bodies of fishes so that they can enjoy jumping in the ocean more and more but that will be greater suffering. So I call them sufferers, not surfers. He mused as he continued his eternal chanting of Hare Krsna, softly and serenely with the crashing ocean waves in the background. Even now when I see surfers mound their boards on the waves of Sunset beach, North Shore, near where I live, I am always reminded of Srila Prabhupada’s observation and the nick name Srila Prabhupada gave surfing and I am reminded of his kindness in walking amongst us foolish living entities, wasting our lives this way and that and his compassion for us who live in various states of delusion. Srila Prabhupada you are so kind, you observed us in surfer consciousness, dog consciousness, money consciousness, so many various forms of consciousness, and you so mercifully taught us about Krsna consciousness, and you gave us the opportunity to serve you and Krsna. Thank you, Srila Prabhupada!


Govinda dasi

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Of course he was speaking of people that become very wrapped up in surfing, and not devotees who get some clean excercise by playing in the waves.


People that take ordinary swimming as their all in all may be setting up their next birth as fish but that doesn't mean devotees shouldn't swim. Swimming is a devotee sport.


I've seen this surfing/suffering quote mis-used alot. For sure if someone is talking and thinking about where the next good waves will come in and chases after the best beach all day that is a problem, but a guy sitting around all day getting fat and weak because he thinks some swimming or hiking or whatever is unbona-fide also has a problem. He neglects the proper upkeep of Krsna's gift of a valuable human form at his own peril.


"...of bodies of water I am the ocean..."-Gita

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Some of the silliest arguments I've seen have been about how devotees shouldn't play sports. "Prabhupada said you could kick a ball around. But he never said you could play tennis. Tennis is maya." This is dumb. Exercise is actually good for mental peace. You will have a steadier mind if you have a healthy body. Besides, if you eat halava (ghee, sugar), samosas (ghee, salt), chapattis (ghee), gulabjumans (sugar, ghee) etc.... and don't exercise, you won't be around much longer.

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Gaurachandra, the famous ghee bellies. Ever expanding.


Yashodanandana, I read where Prabhupada talked about his youth when he played soccer(mistakenly called football by much of the world). If I remember right he said he played goalie because he didn't like to run so much.


Rare is the Narada Muni type who as a boy has no need for such things.


For sure though throughout the world we can see men who never gain the perspective on sports. All day sports-katha ad-nausem.


Which reminds of the latest sports guy weirdness i saw advertised. You guys will love this. They are now marketing a home soda pop vending style machine that one can keep in the room by the tv. It stands about five ft. high x 2 1/2 ft and stocks many different favorite brands. During commercials now one needn't spend valuable time and energy going to the frig. for a soda, you can just go to this machine and punch your desired drink and it comes out the bottom just like a real vending machine.


It comes with a large area on top where they will place your favorite teams logo and stuff.


$500 bucks. America is so whacked out.

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Your 'Prabhupada as goalie' story reminded me of two other stories from the Memories series. They have nothing to do with the thread, but they popped into my head so I felt like sharing them. These aren't really stories, just quick little things.


The first was once Prabhupada was explaining that he played Hamlet in college.


Then because of the college thought, I remembered another was once he was in Scotland and he said "I'm also Scottish." Because he went to Scottish Churches College in India.


Just two little funny asides I thought of typing.

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Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 4, Chapter 28 Verses 35 & 36

By His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada




In the province of Kulacala, there were rivers named Candravasa, Tamraparni and

Vatodaka. King Malayadhvaja used to go to those pious rivers regularly and take his bath

there. Thus he purified himself externally and internally. He took his bath and ate bulbs,

seeds, leaves, flowers, roots, fruits and grasses and drank water. In this way he

underwent severe austerities. Eventually he became very skinny.




We can definitely see that to advance in Krishna consciousness one must control his

bodily weight. If one becomes too fat, it is to be assumed that he is not advancing

spiritually. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura severely criticized his fat disciples.

The idea is that one who intends to advance in Krishna consciousness must not eat very

much. Devotees used to go to forests, high hills or mountains on pilgrimages, but such

severe austerities are not possible in these days. One should instead eat only prasada

and no more than required. According to the Vaisnava calendar, there are many fasts,

such as Ekadasi and the appearance and disappearance days of God and His devotees. All of

these are meant to decrease the fat within the body so that one will not sleep more

than desired and will not become inactive and lazy. Overindulgence in food will cause a

man to sleep more than required. This human form of life is meant for austerity, and

austerity means controlling sex, food

intake, etc. In this way time can be saved for spiritual activity, and one can purify

himself both externally and internally. Thus both body and mind can be cleansed.

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Science Defined -- Morning Walk with Srila Prabhupada


Prabhupada: That I have repeatedly said. Therefore, because they are thinking like that, therefore they are rascals. That is the proof. There is no happiness; still, he is thinking, "I am happy." That is the proof that he's a rascal. (break)


Harikesa: Well, we can admit that we're not happy all the time, but what is the meaning of happiness without distress? If there's no distress, how can I be happy?


Prabhupada: So that is material knowledge. In order to taste happiness, you have to suffer. That is material happiness. And happiness, pure, is spiritual happiness. Here, in order to enjoy happiness, you have to suffer; then you can taste. Therefore that is not real happiness. (break)


Harikesa: A sandtrap. This is where the ball goes in and it's very difficult to hit it out of there.


Prabhupada: Oh.


Harikesa: So you're not supposed to hit it in there.


Prabhupada: Oh.


Harikesa: It makes it more difficult.


Pusta Krsna: Sometimes they hit a golf ball, Srila Prabhupada, two hundred yards, and it goes into the hole.


Prabhupada: The same thing. In order to feel the happiness of playing, he has to go in this way. It is unhappiness.



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