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But no contraceptive pill? Is Krishna immoral?

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Ch 2 : Verse 10

[London, August 16, 1973]



So Bhismadeva, in Rajasuya-yajna, admitted that "Nobody is better brahmachari than Krishna. He was within the gopis, all young girls, but He remained a brahmachari. If I would have been within the gopis, I do not know what was, what would have been my condition." So therefore Krishna is the perfect brahmachari, Hrsikesa. And these rascals they are saying that Krishna is immoral. No . Krishna is perfect brahmachari. Dhira. Dhira means one who is not agitated even there is cause of being agitated. So Krishna is such a brahmachari. In spite of in His just on the verge of youth-hood at the age of 15, 16, years, all the village girls were friends, they were very much attracted with Krishna's beauty. They used to come to Krishna for dancing in the village. But He was brahmachari. You will never hear that Krishna had some illicit sex. No. There was no such thing description. The dancing is description, but no contraceptive pill . No. That is not described here. Therefore He is Hrsikesa. Hrsikesa means perfect brahmachari. Vikara-hetu, even there is cause of being agitated, He is not agitated. That is Krishna. He has got thousands and thousands of devotees, and some of the devotees, if they want Krishna as lover, Krishna accepts that, but He does not require anyone else. He does not require. He is self-sufficient. He does not require anyone's help for His sense gratification. Therefore Krishna is Hrsikesa, the master of the senses.



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December 17th, 2005



73/10/14 Bombay, Bhagavad-gita 13.20


Pradyumna: Translation: “Material nature and the living entities should be understood to be beginningless. Their transformations and the modes of matter are products of material nature.”


Prabhupada: So there were six questions by Arjuna: ksetra, ksetra-jna, jnanam, jneyam, prakrti, purusa. Six questions. So Krsna has already replied what is ksetra, ksetra-jna, and what is the process of knowledge and what is the object of knowledge. Now He is beginning to explain what is this material nature and what is these living entities.



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