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Prabhupada considered phones a nuisance

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Pradyumna remembers Srila Prabhupada:


Prabhupada considered phones a nuisance. He never had a phone in his room, although there might have been a phone somewhere in the temple. When Prabhupada picked up the receiver he wouldn't hold it like we hold phones. He'd hold it like it was a strange object. He commented a few times, "Your phone rings all the time; it's a nuisance. In India somebody doesn't call before they come; they just show up at your door, and you say, "Ayee,ayee, come in, come in." Once we were sitting in Prabhupada's room in LA when he said, "Our Indian philosophy is open door, open window, open mind. This is our philosophy. We do not like to be blocked in."


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The wealthy have giant gates at the entrance to the property and speaker phones the guest must use to have the gate unlocked if they are to be allowed in.


If they are real rich they have a servant stationed at the gate who has a phone in his hut with which to communicate to another servant at the house to relay any message about the guest trying to enter.


Phones are useful but things are really out of hand. Almost everyone now has a cell phone. Two people walking down the street ignoring the person they are with while the both talk to someone else on the phone. lol

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or how about when you get a call from some machine that delivers a recorded message. Or once I got a call that put me on hold to wait for someone to talk to!!!! from a company I had never heard of! LOL


We are being harassed out of the material atmosphere. It can be seen as Krsna merciful arrangement but at the time I just wanted to strangle somebody.


Now I never answer the phone. NEVER. I let my machine pick up. Rarely does a phone solicitor call me now. I think I am on a non-resposive list of some kind.

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I had a representative of the Republican party call me and ask for a contribution. I told her that I only give charity to the brahmanas so they can use it to propagate Krsna consciousness and if the world would fully endorse Krsna consiousness we could go back to monarchy and be ruled by a Krsna conscious King. Only problem is in Kali-yuga even if a Krsna consious King got in power they could still become corrupted by sense gratification if the King was not a 1st class devotee. I guess in the Kali-yuga things are going to be in a state of chaos no matter what you do.

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