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Dear ALL Vishnu / Krishna / Radha bhaktas,


I would humbly like to ask for forgiveness from all and everyone of you who I have intentionally or otherwise hurt. My offences of harsh and bitter words are hard to forget and forgive however I would expect that as merciful vaishnavas, you will certainly consider my case....

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Nothing you have said that I have seen demands an apology. But if you feel that then perhaps it's a good thing and Krsna is using it to draw you closer to Himself.


But no need to extinquish the fire that comes sometimes when opposing views meet. We just need to not take things too personally. I'm speaking in general here.


We are all just slumbering souls. A little tolerance will further our attempt at waking up. Just as long as no one disagrees with me all is fine. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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