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Is This for Real?

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SB 11.15.27

A person who perfectly meditates on Me acquires My nature of being the supreme ruler and controller. His order, like Mine, can never be frustrated by any means.



By the command of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the entire creation is moving. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (9.10),


mayadhyaknena prakrtih

suyate sa-caracaram

hetunanena kaunteya

jagad viparivartate


“This material nature is working under My direction, O son of Kunti, and it is producing all moving and unmoving beings. By its rule this manifestation is created and annihilated again and again.” Similarly, Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given His command that people all over the world should take to Krnna consciousness. The sincere devotees of the Lord should go all over the world repeating the Lord’s command. In this way, they can share in His mystic opulence of giving orders that cannot be counteracted.



I mean it's not allegorical, right?

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It appears to me to be a very literal and direct statement. I certainly don't understand it. But one thing we should note is that said person has aligned his will with the Supreme Will, so it's not like he is just whimsically giving out orders that others must obey as a kind of personal sense gratification.

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cannot be overestimated:


"The sincere devotees of the Lord should go all over the world repeating the Lord’s command. In this way, they can share in His mystic opulence of giving orders that cannot be counteracted"


I take it very directly. If you truly act as Krishna's extension His power is fully with you.


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Srimad Bhagavatam 11.14.20:<BLOCKQUOTE><CENTER><FONT COLOR=RED>na sAdhayati mAM yogo

na sAGkhyaM dharma uddhava

na svAdhyAyas tapas tyAgo

yathA bhaktir mamorjitA


na--not; sAdhayati--brings under control; mAm--Me; yogaH--the yoga system; na--nor; sAGkhyam--the system of SAGkhya philosophy; dharmaH--pious activities within the varNAzrama system; uddhava--My dear Uddhava; na--not; svAdhyAyaH--Vedic study; tapaH--austerity; tyAgaH--renunciation; yathA--as; bhaktiH--devotional service; mama--unto Me; UrjitA--strongly developed.


My dear Uddhava, the unalloyed devotional service rendered to Me by My devotees brings Me under their control. I cannot be thus controlled by those engaged in mystic yoga, SAGkhya philosophy, pious work, Vedic study, austerity or renunciation.



One may make KRSNa the goal of mystic yoga, SAGkhya philosophy, etc.; yet such activities do not please the Lord as much as direct loving service, which one practices by hearing and chanting about the Lord and executing His mission. SrIla RUpa GosvAmI states, jJAna-karmAdy-anAvRtam: [Madhya 19.167] a devotee should simply depend on KRSNa and should not unnecessarily complicate his loving service with tendencies toward fruitive work or mental speculation. The residents of VRndAvana simply depend on Lord KRSNa. When the great serpent AghAsura appeared in the precincts of Vraja, the cowherd boys, completely confident in their friendship with Lord KRSNa, fearlessly marched into the serpent's gigantic mouth. Such pure love for KRSNa brings the Lord under the control of the devotee.</BLOCKQUOTE>

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