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What happens to old cows that give no more milk?

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Progress on

Visnupriya Asrama

From JayaLalita Devi Dasi

Posted June 3, 2004


This is a follow-up article to one that was submitted in late April. We are in the very beginning stages of planning. All positive input is welcome. Our forum is apolitical.


In 1965, Srila Prabhupada left Vrndavan to come to America, where he brought the key and opened the door to Gaudiya Vaisnavism for the entire world.


That door opened by Srila Prabhupada has resulted in many Gaudiya Vaisnavas who are currently preaching throughout the world and many new devotees being made. Indeed this is a very wonderful thing. At the same time the following must be considered: Many of the first devotees to come to Krsna consciousness are getting older and due to various circumstances, for many of these older-bodied devotees, especially ladies, there are no Gaudiya Vaisnava ashrams or communities that will accommodate them.


This also applies to other older-bodied devotees who have come to Krsna at a later date. Thus, quite a number of these devotees are being forced to live alone in the non-devotee world, often by themselves (or with non-devotee family members), and with no association of other devotees. This means that they may end up having to spend the rest of their lives living (and even dying) in an environment where there is no devotee association.


Thanks and appreciation from dipika.org to our sponsor and host,


The doors to practically all Gaudiya Vaisnava ashrams and communities have been and are still closed to such devotees. Thus, the need has arisen for starting different types of facilities for older-bodied Vaisnavas, especially Vaisnavis, so they can be provided with an environment conducive to their living out the rest of their lives in the association of other devotees where they can peacefully practice Krsna consciousness if this is their desire. With this aim in mind, several devotees have started to correspond with one another to try to see about getting something going in this direction.


We are in the very beginning of this, basically exchanging different ideas, both in what should be arranged for older devotees as well as how we can go about getting it done. If you would like to be part of the input to this very necessary endeavor, please join the VRNDA forum at VRNDA


If there is some problem in getting admittance to the forum through the above, please contact us at gibbsjulie@sbcglobal.net and we will do our best to help you.


So far we are discussing the following:


1) The establishment of some type of facility or facilities for older-bodied devotees as well as hospices, be these a combined facility, separate, or both.


2) The establishment of Vishnupriya ashrams set up either as temple/ashram or a Vishupriya community or a Vishnupriya ashram set up for women in an already established general devotee community.


Many more ideas can also be given. We plan to develop this project with well-reviewed facility plans and regular accounting reports to donors. We welcome whatever ideas or other contributions you may have to make.


Yours in the service of Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga,


Hare Krsna,



vanca-kalpatarubhyas ca

krpa-sindubhya eva ca

patitanam pavanebhyo

vaisnavebhyo namo namah


[see "Planning: Asramas for Older Vaisnavis," dipika.org, April 30, 2004]

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I mean isn't it the time for bhajan when you're old,invalid and senile ? /images/graemlins/blush.gif


Can you do anything else but chant Hare Krsna when the senses have been blunted by burn-out programs ? /images/graemlins/shocked.gif


Or will the mind still full of lusty desire for carnal pleasure drag our decrepit stinking bodies to hell in spite of our most valiant attempts at calling out the Holy Names? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

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my inspiration for an exit comes from the Pandavas... and since I'm not sure I can trust my mind at such a critical moment, Ganga seems like a good idea (at least at this time) - with a waterproof Walkman playing Prabhupada's japa in my ears... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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