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He requires a guru.Guru is not a fashion.

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Sri Vyasa-puja Hyderabad, August 19, 1976

Who requires a guru?

Guru is not a fashion

just like you keep a dog as a fashion,

modern civilization, similarly we keep a guru.

No, not like that.

Who requires a guru?

Tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam--

one who is actually serious

to understand the science of spirit soul.

Tad vijnanam. Om tat sat.

He requires a guru.

Guru is not a fashion.





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So Krsna says that acaryam mam vijaniyan:

"You accept acarya as I am."


I see that he is a man.

His sons call him father,

or he looks like a man,

so why he should be as good as God?

Because he speaks as God speaks,

that's all.


Therefore. He does not make any change.

Just like God says, Krsna says,

sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja.

The guru says that you surrender to Krsna or God.

The same word.

God says

man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru.

Guru says that you always think of Krsna,

you surrender unto Him,

you offer Him prayer,

you become His devotee.

There is no change.

Because he says as the Supreme Personality says,

therefore he is guru.

Even though you see that he is materially born, his behavior is like other men.

But because he says the same truth as it is spoken in the Vedas or by the Personality of Godhead,

therefore he is guru.

Because he does not make any change whimsically,

therefore he is guru.

That is the definition.

It is very simple.



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Sri Vyasa-puja Hyderabad, August 19, 1976 con't


So anyone of you,

you can become guru.

It is not that I am an extraordinary man,

an extraordinary god coming from some mysterious place.

It is not that--

it is very simple thing.


Caitanya Mahaprabhu says

yare dekha tare kaha krsna'-upadesa.

So I request you follow the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction that you also,

you become a guru at your home



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